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"Sandra, what the heck are you doing here, it's my mission to protect Toby!" Derek yelled in anger. The girl, or Sandra was a beautiful girl wearing purple pants with a long sleeved purple sweater that had the metal chips embedded in its fabric. Her hair was like a purple long sea that reached her back. But what really caught my attention was her green eyes.  She scoffed at Derek "oh please you almost got him killed" she said. Derek stomped up to her in short anger. "Does Ms.Pillar even know you're here?" he said. "No but that's none of your business, the Balancer must be protected"

"Duh, that's why I'm protecting it" Derek said shaking his gun around. She pushed his hand away "put that thing away before you kill someone" she ordered. "Um not to interrupt" I butted in "but we're kind of busy doing something" I said pointing out the fact the man in black was aiming both his hands at us. His arms was shaking violently as electricity surged throughout his body. Sandra pushed past Derek "I got this" she said with determination. Then something fell from both her sleeves. I looked to see that she had two chains reaching out of her sleeves with a knife at the end of each chain.

"Out of my way" she ordered me, I leaped out of her way. At the same time the man shot a bolt of dark electricity at the shield shattering it to pieces with a loud BANG! Thats when Sandra made her move. She threw one of her chains at the man in black. The knife at the end of the chain shot right through his chest and out of his back. He stumbled back as black blood shot out of his mouth.

Sandra pulled the chain pulling the man towards her. He came flying at us and Sandras other hand caught on fire. "Be gone!" she yelled as she punched the man. His body exploded into a million ashes. "Whoa" I said in astonished. But thats when the man in green teleported behind her. Sandra didn't notice him as he reached out for the back of her neck. "Look out!" I yelled as I rushed at the man. I grabbed the hilt of my sword and pulled it out. I stabbed the man in his chest. There was a large flash as the man blew up like a bomb.

The fire spread around everywhere causing the hallway to give in and fall on top of us. The debris fell everywhere but I wasn't hurt by any of it. When the smoke cleared the celling and everything was gone, just a bunch of rocks spilled everywhere. I looked around for Derek and Sandra but I couldn't spot them. Oh no did I kill them, dang it what a horrible first impression. Suddenly something moved in the rubble behind me. I looked to see Sandra pushing herself out of the rubble I rushed to her aid.

"Are you okay?" I asked, she looked up at me with an angry expression. She jumped up and pushed me the ground. I fell on my back as she stood over. She summoned both her knifes out of her sleeves into her hands. "Look out!" she yelled as she threw her knife through the air. I looked behind me to see a man was standing there. Sandras knife hit him square in the head. He fell on his back lifelessly. I swallowed hard "thanks" I muttered to her as she pulled her knife back to her hand using the chain.

"Don't mention it" she said as she helped me back up to my feet. She stared at me for awhile "nice armor" she complimented. "What?" I looked down to see that my clothes were gone and was replaced with thick armor like what knights wore. It was all gold with a yellow cape, it really matched my sword. "Oh um thanks?". She laughed "you don't know how you got it do you?" she asked. I just shrugged "Im just going with the flow to be honest" I told her. "Um a little help please!" Dereks voice yelled from a distance.

"Derek?" I said as I rushed to the sound of his voice. "Yeah over here!" he yelled. I rushed over to see Dereks leg under a large section of the wall. He was pinned on his back. I rushed over to his side. "Wait to go blowing up half the school" he joked. "Sorry, I didn't know that was going to happen" I told him. Sandra came running after me. "Guys there's more of them, we got to go" she said. "Little girl do you not see my leg is stuck" Derek nagged. "Who are you calling little, you're an elf compared to me!" she yelled.

"Hey their over here!" a voice yelled in the distance. "Oh great" Sandra said in disappointment. We were running out of time and options. I grabbed the rock that was on Derek and flipped it over. "Whoa since when were this strong" Derek said as he struggled onto his feet. "Came with the package" I said referring to my sword. Suddenly a group of men came running into veiw. "Here they come let's go" Sandra said as she ran away. Derek shook his leg "a little scratched but it'll due" he said.

He then bolted after Sandra with me following behind. For someone whos leg was crushed he sure can run fast. Derek caught up and passed Sandra leaving us behind. I didn't know where we were heading but we ran past busy streets and hopped over a few fences until we finally stopped in the middle of an empty park. Derek was already there sitting at a bench waiting for me and Sandra. "What took you guys so long" he smiled. "Shut up kid, evact will be here any second"Sandra said plopping down next to Derek. "Evact?" I asked. "Her pet flying lizard" Derek said.

Sandra punched him in the arm "she's not a lizard she's a dragon" she said. My jaw dropped "a dragon!" I said. Sandra nodded "she's one of a kind". Derek scoffed "yeah she sure is one of a kind" he said sarcastically. Sandra rolled her eyes "I think we lost them" she said. "Think again!" someone yelled from behind us. I turned to see about 15 people rushing towards us. They were all ages and all wore different clothes. But they all had that same evil vibe like the two men at the school.

Derek bounced up "alrighty then, my legs all healed and I'm ready for some action" he then charged at the army of people. "Wait for me" Sandra said as she rushed after him. Derek took out his duo pistols and leaped up into the air, doing a flip over the heads of those who were at the front of the group. As he descended above them he aimed his weapons over a few of them. He sprayed them with a rain of bullets turning three of them into swiss cheese. Sandra ran up on the people to the right. She extended her chain and slashed it through the air.

Anyone near her was sliced in half. Her and Derek were fighting furiously to protect me. So I did the only nobel thing I could think of. I took a seat at the bench and watched them put in work from my safe distance. "Did you really think it was going to be that easy" I spun around noticing two teenagers standing behind me. I jumped to my feet with my sword up and ready.

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