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I looked at his decapitated head lying in front of me. His face was calm now, sort of at peace. "nooooOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed as I threw everyone that was piled on me off. They flew in all directions hitting nearby buildings and landing on the sidewalk. I stood to my feet, anger coursed through my veins. I gritted my teeth as I lifted my sword into the air. "Hey what's he doing?" one of them said. "I don't know" another answered. "Burn" I whispered, "what was that we couldn't hear" one of them yelled at me. "I said burn!!" I screamed, the clouds above split us as a large fire ball formed above us.

It fell like a meteor destroying a whole block at its wake. Everything around me turned red as I stood there unaffected by the flames. Everything cleared up and I seen that everyone around me was burnt to skeletons. I sighed as I placed the sword back into its scabbard. My armor then disappeared. I then continued my quest to Ms.Pillars office. As I ran down the streets I kept thinking about how I was going to tell Brandon about his Dad. Suddenly something blew right through the building next to me.

It hit the ground right in front of me. I grabbed the hilt of my sword ready for a fight. But I immediately calmed down when I seen Derek jump up to his feet. "Ugh what a hit" he said rubbing his head. "Derek!" I said with excitement. Derek looked at me and smiled. He then forced me into a bear hug "Toby you're okay, we were so worried" he said. "Yeah thanks" I said as he let me go. "Where's Sandra?" I asked, "look up" Derek answered. I looked up to see Sandra riding on Evact.

The large dragon had something or someone in its mouth. Evact landed on top of a building in front of us. "What kind of idiot leaps off a dragon 2000 miles in the air right into a war!" she yelled at Derek. He just shrugged "my favorite ice cream shop was under attack" he said. Sandra rolled her eyes then looked at me with sincerity in her eyes. "You okay?" she asked, I nodded my head. "Im trying to get to Ms.Pillars office" I said. "She's not there, she's at the throne room preparing to face off with Majesta" Sandra explained.

What Majesta's here, will Ms.Pillar be able to beat her? "Let's hurry to her aid" I said. Sandra looked at me bewildered "no way Majesta is like one of the few people who can use the balancer, it's to risky" she said. "Yeah" agreed Derek "I seen that woman rip peoples souls out with her hand, she's to powerful" he said. "I don't care, Ms.Pillar's in trouble and I don't intend on just sitting around like I used to". I then leaped up on top of the dragons saddle. "Take me" I snapped at Sandra. She did nothing for awhile but then grunted in frustration.

"Fine" she finally said, Derek then leaped up into the saddle. "If you're going im coming to" he said. I nodded at him. Evact then lifted off to the skys. It didn't take long for us to arrive there. As we flew towards a tall wide building. It looked like a church, it had colorful glass at the front,but the front door was blown open. We're to late "let's go in through the side door so we can get to the throne room faster" Sandra said as she landed Evact at the side of the building.

I was the first to jump off and run towards the door on the side of the building. Sandra and Derek came after me as I busted through the door into a hall. "Just follow this hall all the way down" Derek said as the three of us ran down the hall. It took us about a minute for me to see the throne room at the end of the hall. I seen Ms.Pillar sitting in this extremely large chair on an alter in this ball room. Me and Derek were about to run to her side until Sandra grabbed us both and pulled us back.

"What the heck Sandra!" Derek complained. "Shhh" she hushed as she pulled us at the end of the hall to hide while being at an angle to see the whole room. There was a huge door in front Ms.Pillars throne where a dozen guards standing with their swords held high towards the door. I could hear people screaming from the other side until........ Silence.
It was quiet for a good minute. One of the guards stepped closer to door. He reached for its large handle. BOOOOM!!! The door blew up into a million pieces killing all the guards standing in front of the door, their lifeless bodys falling everywhere.

That's when I felt her, that evil presence was so powerful. I felt woozy and weak. It was scary, like living in a horror movie. Amongst the carnage and smoke I seen the figure of a woman walking. My heart started to beat against my chest. As she walked out of the smoke I could see her clearly. She was a beautiful slim lady probably in her 20s. She had pretty blue eyes and nice dark skin. She looked like a model, but that grin on her face. I was sure going to be seeing that in my nightmares.

"Majesta" Derek whispered obviously just as scared as I was. Majesta had her own dozen soldiers following behind her. Ms.Pillar stood to her feet "Majesta"she announced "this is where this ends"

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