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The two men jumped over the bench right at me. I kicked one of them in the chest sending him flying back into a tree. The other one threw a punch towards my way. His fist was glowing red so that couldn't mean anything good. I blocked his attack with my sword. The force of the punch sent me back but I stayed on my feet. He tried to run at me but I pointed my right arm at him. A ball of light shot out blowing him up. Whoa that was easy, I smiled at my success.

Suddenly something hit me from the right blowing up right in my face. I flew to the side dropping my sword. I flew back hitting a nearby jungle gym. I groaned in pain. I looked up see a girl run up to the balancer. "I've got it!" she yelled as reached down to lift it. Oh no, if she gets that sword she'll kill us all. She grabbed the hilt but the sword wouldn't budge. "What the? Why the heck is it so freaking heavy!" she yelled. She struggled and strained to pick it up but it didn't move a bit.

I reached out my hand "TO ME!" I yelled by instinct. The sword flew up out of her grasp and into my hand. The girl looked at me in anger she raised both her hand over her head summoning a large dark ball over her. "Die!" she yelled, but before she threw it Sandras knife chain stabbed her in the back of the leg. The girl hollered in pain as Sandra used the chain to fling her high up into the air. A shock of electricity shot up the chain blowing the girl up in mid air. I jumped from off the jungle gym as Sandra came running up to me.

"Are you crazy, if that girl was evil enough she would've taken the sword!" she said with urgency. "Sorry Im new to this" I said. "Well get your head in the game" she said as she ran off into the fight. I sighed, I gotta be more careful from now on. Suddenly Derek came crashing down from the sky landing next to me like a canon ball. He landed on his head snapping his neck in two. Aw man did he just die? But to my surprise he just bounced back up like nothing happened.

Although his head was hanging to the side. "Wow what a crazy opponent, he literally blew up in my face" he said with excitement. "Um Derek" I said tapping his shoulder. "Yeah man what's wrong?" he asked . "your head" I pointed out. "Oh" Derek said noticing his lopsided head. He then snapped it back into place, what a nasty sight. "Something's not right here" he told me as he shot up an oncoming man. "What do you mean?" I asked as I shot a ball of energy at a group of people sneaking up on us.

"Every time we kill one of these jerks, they seem to come back to life" he said. "Is that possible?" I asked. "No, death is a force that can only be altered by a magician who's powerful enough to weave realty, but the only person I know who can do that is Ms.Pillar". I started to notice what he was talking about. I seen the same girl who Sandra killed summon that same boulder over her head and throw it at Sandra.  But Sandra jumped at it slicing it in half and fell right on her attacker, plunging her knifes into her neck.

"Do you think its Majesta?" I asked. Derek shook his head, "Majesta would've shown herself by now, its someone else". Sandra then leaped in the front of us as we were surrounded by our attackers. "Its over, give up now" one of them said. Sandra smiled "no, you give up" she said. She then took a deep breath and let out an almighty screech. It sounded like an unholy beast just stubbed its toe. Me and Derek covered our ears. Sandra was yelling so loud you could see the sound waves coming out from her mouth and blowing the evil doers away.

When all of them were out of commission she ended her attack. "Dang it why on earth would you do that?!" Derek yelled. Sandra turned to him "to save your sorry but that's why!" she yelled back. "Well that was all for nothing!" Derek screamed as he pointed behind her. Sandra turned and gasped as everyone was getting back up and making their way to us again. "That's impossible" she said. "Someone is supplying them with energy to keep fighting, they won't die" Derek explained. Sandra scowled "that's impossible, there's always a way to kill something" she said.

I sat there staring at the crowd of enemys coming at us. I noticed the man in green and the man in black weren't there. Or the guy I blew up by the bench, but the one I kicked into a tree was there. "We have to blow them up" I said out of nowhere. Sandra looked at me in confusion "excuse me?" she asked. "Think about it" I told her "the two men we fought at my school were both blown up so there not here" I explained.  "Yeah so?" Derek askes. "Sooo, you can't bring something back if there's nothing left to bring back" I said. Sandra smiled "oh I get what you're saying" she said. "I have an idea" she then grabbed the both of us and explained her plan. "Mhmm, sounds good let's do it" Derek said. I shook my head "no way what if I-" "you'll do fine Toby" Derek interrupted."your names Toby?" Sandra asked. But before I could answer we were surrounded again. "Jigs up pal surrender or face the consciences" one of them said. That's when the plan went into action. Sandra threw her chain at Derek who caught it.

Derek then ran towards the left as Sandra went right. Derek was insanely fast. He wrapped the chain around the group twice in a matter of 2 seconds. Sandra used her strength to tighten the chain tieing the group together. "Now Toby we can't hold them for long!" Derek screamed. I focused on the energy inside of me. It was time to let loose. The wind started to swirl around me causing my cape to flutter violently. I started to float in the air as I rasied my sword over my head. "BURN!" I yelled.

Then the clouds in the sky separated as a large fire ball fell from the sky. "Over kill"Derek yelled as he let go of the chain and jumped at Sandra. They both were then engulfed in a shield before the park blew up.

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