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After a few hours of getting ready we were now finally marching towards the castle. Me Derek and Velro were leading the group at the front. "Anyone else nervous?" Velro asked us. "No way this isn't my first time with the odds against me" Derek said with confidence. "I knew you'd say something like that" Velro smuggly said. Derek smiled "awwe I'm touched" he joked. Velro just frowned and ignored the comment, "what about you Toby, feeling nervous?" Velro asked me. "Nope I'm fine" I answered. "You sure about that? This is basically your first time leading an army" Derek said.

"I won't be leading it Velro will be, my objective is Majesta". "What! All by yourself?" Derek asked. "Of course I'm the only one who can take the balancer from her, once I have it everything will be over quickly". "Toby that's suicide and you know it" Velro said. I just shrugged "so be it" I said. We marched on the rest of the way quietly. And to be honest I was a wreck. My knees were shaking and was I sweating even though the air was cool. I wasn't scared, I was terrified. But this is something I have to do, my feelings don't play a part in what must be done.

We were finally at the castle, it was even bigger up close. The whole beach was basically gone. I heard the ocean roaring from behind it but the castle was to tall to see anything. Velro put his fist in the air to signal the army behind to stop. It was quiet, very quiet, and not your usual quiet, it was more of an unsettling silence. A drop of rain fell onto my head, then another drop fell in front of me. Suddenly the whole sky startes poaring with rain.

The front gates of the tower started to open. "Here we go!" Derek yelled as an army of dark soldiers came pouring out yelling and screaming. Their feet shook the ground and their screams echoed across the sky like thunder. There were at least 1 million of them, but as I suspected most of them were unarmed. "ATTACK!" Velro screamed as we all ran towards the army yelling. As we got closer there was a loud "ROAR!". I looked up and seen dozens of dragons flying down towards us. "PREPARE FOR IMPACT!" Velro screamed, "great just our luck" Derek cursed.

In usion all of the dragons fired a ball of fire at us. The sky lit up with black and red fire balls. Oh no, we'll lose half our army with an attack like that. I raised my hand into the air, "SHEILD!" I screamed. And just like that a large yellow wall floated in the sky covering the army. All the fire balls struck the shield but no damage was done. "Wha- how are you not out of mana!?" Velro asked, "I'm the guardian" I answered. The other army finally approached us.

The leading the army was equipped with a war hammer and body armor. He swung his hammer at my head but I ducked dodging it. "Heavy weapons are slow!" I said as I threw my fist at his chest. Using fire magic I made my fist red hot. I punched right through his flimsy armor like paper. "Now melt!" I ordered. The man yelled as he melted into a smoothie in his own cup of metal armor. I smiled for my first victory. But I caught something moving towards me at an alarming speed to my right. I quickly turned and caught the spear aiming for my head.

I looked across the beach and spotted the man who threw it.  "Hey you dropped this!" I yelled as I flipped it and threw it back. I got the man right into his eye. The man died instantly. "Oh my gosh, hey Imma need help over here!" One of the dark soldiers yelled as he approached me. About seven more soldiers came by his side. "Ha eight on one, you might as well give up" one of them said. "I'm not dead yet am I" I teased as I rushed at him. I leaped up in the air and planted both my feet onto his face breaking his nose.

Using his face as leverage I flipped off of him kicking another soilder in head causing them both to fall back. Another solider tried to come in and stab me with a knife but I caught his arm with my left hand and smacked my right hand on his face. "Cannon" I said. Then a force of wind shot up my arm and out of hand blowing the mans head clean off. As his body fell I snatched the knife from his lifeless hand. "Incinerate" I said as I threw the knife at a nearby solider.

The knife hit him in the shoulder but instead of him being stabbed he blew up and incinerated into ashes. "What the heck who is this guy?" One of the soilders said nervously, "I don't know but let's all attack at the same time, maybe that would work" another answered. The others nodded and four of the six attacked me at the same time. Two had swords, one had a axe while the other had nothing at all. I weaved, ducked, and dodged all of their attacks.

"Weak..... Slow.... Lazy... C'mon man I gave you an opening at least make this interesting" I mocked them. "What on earth I've never faced-" the soilder was cut off due to my fist connecting with his face. I snatched his sword from him and stuck it into the chest of the guy with the axe. I then kicked the other dude with a sword in the knee snapping his leg in two. Meanwhile catching a punch from the solider with no weapon. "Predictable, now melt" I ordered, and he started to melt into a puddle. "Ice!" I yelled as I slapped the solider I took the sword from in the face.

He froze solid before even hitting the ground. The axe weilder had bled out and died so that left only this solider with the broken leg. "Please I'm sorry please don't kill me" he begged as he cried there on the floor.

"As a guardian I must destroy all evil" I told him. "Wait, you're the guar-" "BURN!" I yelled. A ball of fire shot from my palm burning the man so bad he became nothing more then a skeleton. I then looked over at the remaining two who stood there astonished.

"Will one of you be kind enough to tell me where Majesta is exaclty?" I asked. "Uhh yeah she's at the throne room in the castle" one of them whimpered. "Thanks now be gone" I said as I waved my hand at them. A portal shot at them teleporting them above the clouds. I then made my way to the castle.

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