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I walked home from school pretty happy with myself. I rushed up onto the porch of my house and sunk the key into the door knob. I rushed into my home and dashed up stairs to my room. My parents were both at work for the night so I usually had the house to myself. Once I got into my room I flung my bag onto my bed and skipped over to the mirror that was hung up by my bed. I examined my features to see Ken didn't do a lot of damage to my face. I only had a little scar on my lip.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. It was 3:12, the party was going to start in about three hours. I still couldn't believe one of the most wanted girls in school actually wants a nerd like me to come over to her party. I grinned at the thought of it. I than took a shower finished my homework and got ready for the party. I put on a black shirt with some white jeans and some white shoes. I stepped out of my house and placed the address on the GPS on my phone.

"Make a left and go on 20 meters" the GPS told me. I did as I was told. The sun was coming down and the air was a bit cooler. The crickets started to come together in a chorus of chirping. "Make a right and go for 15 more meters, your destination will be on your right side" the GPS said. I I followed the directions I was given, "you have reached your destination". I stopped in my tracks and looked at the house the GPS brought me too. Maybe I put in the wrong address.

It was a large abandoned house with a lawn full of dead grass. The place was runned down and looked unstable. It looked as if no one lived here for a long time. I took the card Cindy gave me out of my pocket than looked at the address I placed in my phone, they matched. I looked back up at the broken down house. Maybe Cindy rented the place for her party. I placed my phone back into my pocket along with the card. I took a step towards the house but stopped. Something doesn't feel right.

It was as if I was being watched. I shook the feeling off and kept walking forward. I walked up onto the porch which squeaked under my weight. And stepped towards the rusty old wooden door. I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door two good times. I stood there for about five seconds, but there was no answer. I raised my fist to knock again but the door suddenly opened. It didn't really swing back but just slowly moved back. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It wasn't to late to turn back.

But than again, I could be making a mistake by doing that. So I pushed the door open and took a step in. "Hello, is anybody here?" I announced. The inside of the house looked worse than the outside of it. The curtains on every window were ripped up or gone, there were holes in the floor and some flipped over couches littering the place along with garbage. Well looks like this is the wrong address after all. Before I could turn back something moved by me in the corner of my eye, to fast for me to see. My heart started to beat at my chest.

"Is anyone there!" I announced again. I took a step deeper into the house. Suddenly the door slammed shut behind me. I looked back to see what had happened but my nose was greeted with a oncoming fist. I flew back and fell flat on my back with a grunt. I held my bleeding nose in pain and looked up to see my attacker was no other than Ken. His large smiling face looming over me.

I rushed back up to my feet and looked around to see if there was anywhere I could make a quick escape. But to my horror I seen that Ken wasn't alone, turns out there were a bunch of other people hiding all around the place. People came from behind the curtains some from behind furniture and even those who were just pressed up against the wall emerging from the shadows.

They surrounded me and moved in on to me. I put my arms over my head and ducked down preparing myself for what was about to happen next. Suddenly a storm of fists wailed down on me. One guy kicked me in the side breaking a few ribs. I wailed in pain. "Stop" someone ordered, the assault had suddenly ceased. The crowd of attackers all stepped to the side clearing a path for someone. To my surprise it was Cindy. She strutted through the crowd with class. She approached my bloody body as I laid there on the floor.

She grinned at the sight of me "well you actually came" she said. I struggled to breathe "why?" I weazed. "Because Toby, you're like the lamest kid in school, you have no friends and sit at a table to eat by yourself. Me and everyone else wanted to teach you a lesson" she explained. I looked her in the eyes "why? I never bother you" I said. She rolled her eyes. "You see Toby there's two kinds of people, the weak and strong. Obviously you fall in the weak category. It sets a balance for us all. But when I saw you try to punch Ken today that balance was disrupted, so we had you come here to remind you of your place" she explained again.

"But-" I was interrupted by Ken kicking me on the side of the head. I saw stars as I fell unconscious. When I awoke I was inside a dumpster in an alley way. The sun was down and the streets were empty. My body ached in pain as I struggled out and fell to the floor. I tried to get on my feet but my ribs cracked and I coughed out blood as I fell back on my face. Dang it, why does bad things happen to good people, why do I have to be so mistreated. All of a sudden there was a bright yellow light glowing in front of me.

Had the sun arose again? How long was I out? I looked up at the light that seemed to be a distance away. As I looked at it I noticed something coming at me. What the heck is that? It looked like a small meteor. The object hit the ground in front of me breaking the asplat. The large beam of light went away. The object was steaming as if it was molten hot. Hm wonder what it could be? I got up to my feet slowly and limped towards it.

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