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I hit the ground like a falling cannonball. The ground beneath me broke as I fell on my face with the sword still in hand. The people around me jumped back in surprise. For some reason the fall didn't hurt me at all. I simply got up to my feet and wiped the dust off of my clothes. I looked up at the balcony to see a few men in armor looking down at me. I smiled at the fact that I was able to escape and faced forward to walk away. But soon as I took my first step a large yellow circle opened appeared in front of me.

Men in the same uninformed armor ran out of it. About 20 of them came from a it surrounding me from both sides. Their aromr was red with the little metal chips inside of the fabric. They all carried long silver swords. I looked around unknowing what to do as they closed in on me. The circle that appeared disappeared, it must've been some kind of portal, I don't know how that was supposed to be possible. "Toby stand down or we will attack!" one of the soldiers yelled at me.

All the bystanders that was there all cleared the area so it was just us. I raised my sword in front of me causing the guards to back up in....... Fear? Maybe they weren't as tuff as they seemed. "Man forget this its obvious he's evil kill him" the same guard yelled. Suddenly they all jumped up at me from all sides at the same time. The twenty of them moved swiftly and brought their swords down. Well looks like this is the end. I bent down to one knee and raised the sword over my head to sheild myself.

The guards struck the sword so hard that my body pushed deeper into the earth, a shock of wind was pushed from me into all directions blowing everything that wasn't attached to the ground away. As if I've done it before I pushed my sword up against theirs sending them all flying back into the air. Some guards hit the building behind me while others fell in all different directions. I rushed up to my feet searching my body for any injuries, but I made it out unscaved. The guards all rushed back up to their feet. "Forget this, everyone fire a mana blast and cook this fool!" the same one yelled, he was probably the leader.

I raised my sword again this time more confidently. All the guards lifted their hands pointing their palms at me. What were they all up to now? Then their palms started to glow a very bright yellow, what on earth? Suddenly a beam of light shot out from their palms and hit me full force. There was a series of explosions occurring on me as they shot their missle like light at me. I was surprised and scared at first, but I soon realized that their attack wasn't even affecting me.

Though my shirt burnt off leaving only the sleeves. When the fire cleared away I was still standing there in the mist of all the destruction the guards caused. "Whoa he survived?" one of the guards said in astonishment. "Not surprising since he has the balancer" the leader said. "Alrighty then, everyone battle formations, attack number 15" he ordered. "My favorite" one of the guards commented as they all rushed to formation. I stood there sword up to block whatever they were up to. But what I didn't realize was the two of them that snuck up behind me.

They came up to me in a flash of yellow light, they were so fast it seemed like they were teleporting. The both sliced at my legs sweeping me off my feet. As I fell back two more came from the right hitting me in the side with their swords. I felt the swords but it only stung a little. Two more from the left ran up and both slashed up sending up higher into the air to be introduced to the rest coming down smashing their weapons into my chest sending hitting the floor.

"That should've killed him" the leader said as the guards regrouped. But hes jaw dropped when he seen me get back up unhurt. In fact I felt stronger then usual. My sword started to glow and shake. I looked at it in confusion. Then the weirdest thing happened. A ball of light shot out of it hitting the group of guards causing an explosion. When the smoke cleared all the guards were lieing on the ground with burnt armor. Oh no did I kill them? I ran uo to go check until I suddenly heard someone yell from behind me.

"TOBY!" I looked behind me to see an older woman descending from the sky towards me. The weird part about it was the fact that she had wings made of water, was that even scientifically possible? She landed a few yards in front of me. "You're coming with me child" she ordered. Oh great now there's another person trying to subdue me. I pointed my sword up towards her focusing on the new found power I had in me. A ball of light shot out of it again towards the woman. But she raised her hand up causing a geyser of water to shoot up from the ground.

The ball hit the water blowing up on contact. I really hope this attack wasn't killing people or I'd be in a bit of trouble. Suddenly someone placed their hand on my shoulder from behind me. I turned seeing the old woman behind me. How'd she get there so quickly? Before I could react an electric shock came from her hand into my body causing me to lose all feeling. I dropped my sword and fell onto my back like a sac of potatoes. I was paralyzed.

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