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I didn't sleep at all, the thought of Cindy being here bothered me, and the fact that it was day time in my home town. The alarm clock on my phone rung, looks like it's time for my first day of practice. I got out of bed took a bath changed my clothes strapped my sword on and left the tower. It stopped raining but the sun didn't come out and there was still thunder. I looked to my right as I closed the door behind me. There was a smaller tower there. Cindy was supposed to be in that tower.

I turned and walked onto the side walk. There were a few people walking on the streets. A few were staring at me but I didn't mind. I needed to find the school where I would met Sandra. Maybe some alone time with her would make me feel better. I didn't exactly know where I was going but Ms.Pillar told me to follow this side walk and make a right at Griffin street. After about 10 minutes I figured I was lost. "Hey you!" I heard someone yell. A car then pulled up by me. The window was rolled down and I seen a man in there

"Need a ride?" he asked, I recognized that voice. "Have we met?" I asked. "Yeah I was the captain for the men when we first met" he told me. Ohh he's the guy that ordered those guards around when I first got here. "Oh I remember you" I said "well, aren't you gonna get in?" he asked. I rushed into the passengers seat. "Thanks" I said as he pulled off. "No problem, the name's Kendrick" he said. "Hey Kendrick, can you take me to the school on Griffin street?" I said. "Sure"

After a 5 minute drive we finally pulled up to the school. I stepped out of the car "thanks, and sorry for what happened when we first met" I said. "It's okay, my men needed a challenge anyways" he then pulled off. I turned and entered the school. Sandra had told me to met her in the library. I made my way down the hallway and read the signs of each door as I walked passed each one. 'Lab' 'Biology' 'Band' there it is, the Library. I turned and made my way in. Sandra was sitting there at a table.

She looked amazing in that black long sleeve shirt and black shorts. But my heart dropped when I seen she was sitting on the lap of another person. She was sitting on some boy, he had nice brown hair and purple eyes. I walked up to them and Sandra noticed me. "Hey Toby you're early" she said smiling. "Yeah um hi, I got a ride here" I said as I took a seat at the table. "So you're the new Guardian?" the boy asked. "Yeah" I answered, "you look pretty small for a guardian" he said. I raised an eyebrow "how many do you know?" I asked.

"Just one before you" he answered. "Then how would you know what the others look like?" I asked. He shrugged "I don't know, I hear their supposed to be buff unlike you". Sandra laughed "oh Brandon stop, listen baby I have to teach him so I can't be distracted" she said. "Awe c'mon baby what makes you say im going to distract you" he said as he tickled her. She laughed and jumped off of him "see like that, please just go Brandon" she said. Brandon got up and kissed her on the lips.

"Okay but I'll see you later" he said then made his way out. Sandra sat down blushing "seems like a nice guy" I lied. Sandra sighed "sorry he can be a bit of a knuckle head, but let's get started then you can make your way to the training area to met Derek" she said. We sat there for about two hours as she thought me everything from math to history. After we were done she gave me a breif farewell as she rushed out. I was hoping she'd show me where this training area was but looks like Id have to figure it out.

After about 20 minutes I finally made it to the training area in the school. When I walked in it was a huge room and the walls were filled with all types if weapons. There were weapon racks stationed at the end of the room. A shirtless Derek was in the middle of the room swinging nunchucks around at speeds no human can match. I approached him "hey Derek" I said. He stopped swinging the nunchucks around and came to shake my hand. "Hey man you're late" he said. "Yeah I couldn't find the place" I said.

"Didn't Sandra walk you here?" he asked. I shook my head "lemme guess, Brandon?" Derek asked as he hung the nunchucks up on the wall. "Yeah how'd you know?" I asked. "It's so obvious, she goes head over heels for that jerk, sometimes she acts just plain out stupid. He has total control over her, he does what he wants and gets away with it because captain Kendrick is his dad".  That's his dad? Whoa Brandon must get lots of respect because of it. "Anyways put the sword down and let's get started" Derek said. I unstrapped my sword and placed it on a rack.

"Why do I need this class anyways? I have the worlds strongest weapon" I said. "You have to learn how to use other weapons just in case the balancer is gone somehow.  Plus your weapon is the strongest, it's second strongest" Derek said. "Then what's the strongest weapon?" I asked. "Oh something called a relic, but that's not important, let's train" he said. "Okay what do we do first?" I asked. Derek smiled wickedly "I have to know how good you are in a fight, so LET'S FIGHT!"

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