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The dozens of evil guards stepped forwards. Ms.PIllar then put both her hands together making a symbol I didn't recognize. Suddenly all of the guards stopped in their tracks. They started coughing and gagging as water gushed through all of their mouths eyes nose and ears. In a matter of seconds they all fell to the floor dead, all except Majesta who stood there smiling. "Majesta you've made a grand mistake by coming here, you've made it this far for nothing!" Ms.Pillar yelled. Majesta just shook her head "no" she said in a small calm voice. "I came here for you".

Ms.Pillar frowned "so be it!" she said. She then stood up tall and her water wings burst out of her back. Smoke started to appear and swirl around Majestas legs. They stood there for a few seconds. All of a sudden Ms.Pillar leaped towards Majesta. Majesta jumped at her and as they charged at each other Majesta threw a punch at Ms.Pillar but she seen it coming and dodged it. As Majesta flew forwards Ms.Pillar turned around shooting a ball of water at Majesta. The water formed into ice on contact freezing Majesta completely.

Majesta hit the ground incased in a frozen block of ice. Ms.Pillar then raised both her hands over her head, a large boulder of light appeared over her head. She then dropped her hands down making the bomb of light crash down on Majesta. There was a large explosion that shook the whole building. Yes, there was no way she survived that. Ms.Pillar landed a few feet away from where she blew Majesta up. When the smoke cleared Majesta was standing in the mist of a creator unharmed. "Did you really think it'll be that easy?" she growled. Ms.Pillar scowled "you're stronger then our last encounter" she said.

Majesta smiled, "I've gotten a little help from him". Ms.Pillar gasped "not from...... You must be insane to ask him for help!". Majesta just shrugged "I am insane" she answered. Ms.Pillars arm started to buzz and zap as electricity started to move up her arm into her hand. "I will not let you leave alive!!" she screamed as she charged at Majesta again. But she was stopped as a pillar of rock rose from the ground in front of Ms.Pillar. She busted right thorough it but lost her momentum. Majesta took her chance and punched Ms.Pillar right in the face.

She flew back hitting the wall behind her hard enough to crack it, she fell to the floor on all fours. Majesta started to laugh like a mad man, "you think you can beat me? you're out of my league" she insulted. Ms.Pillar chuckled "you were always so quick to judge" she whispered, "what was that I didn't catch that?" Majesta said. Ms.Pillar looked her in the eyes smiling "good bye old friend" she told her. Majesta looked puzzled, she took a step forward but stopped in her tracks when she heard a splashing sound. 

she slowly looked down to see she was standing in the middle of a puddle, she looked back up and saw that a trail of water was coming from Ms.Pillars hands that lead to where Majesta was standing. Majesta tried to jump out of the way but it was to late. A swarm of ice stalagmites erupted from the puddle stabbing Majesta from all angles. She spat out black blood and groaned in pain. Ms.Pillar jumped up to her feet and raised both her hands, the ground shook as two boulders erupted from the ground. One one each side of Majesta, Ms.Pillar then clapped her hands together making both rocks come in and crush Majesta like a bug. 

"Burning coffin!" she screamed, suddenly both rocks caught fire, flew up a few feet into the air, then landed back down crashing right through the floor and deep into the earth. That's it, Majesta was dead, there was no way she could've survived that. "She did it" Derek said, "it's over". "No" I told him, Derek turned to me frowning "what do you mean no, did you see what just happened?" he asked. But before I could answer the ground started to shake violently, a crevasse formed right under the throne swallowing the chair whole.

Majesta flew out of the ground with lava dripping from her body, Ms.Pillar sighed in annoyance "do you ever die?" she said. "Nice try, but I'm afraid that wont be enough" Majesta laughed as she floated there over the crevasse. Suddenly she shot electricity from her hands at Ms.Pillar. But Ms.Pillar rolled out of the way. She then shot a ball of fire out at Majesta hitting her in the chest. But the attack had no affect. "You're running out of mana old lady, just give it up" Majesta taunted as she shot multiple bolts of electricity at Ms.Pillar who struggled to dodge the attack. Oh no Majesta was right, even from here I noticed Ms.Pillars tired fatigue face.

her movements were a lot slower and she sweating, I stood up but Sandra pulled me back down "what are you doing" she snapped. "She's going to kill her" I snapped back, "no she won't, Ms.Pillar gots this if you join the battle you'll die" Sandra said. "I'm not to sure about that" Derek said as he pointed out at the battle. Majesta managed to strike Ms.Pillar with a bolt of lightning.

Ms.Pillar fell to the floor again, Majesta landed a few feet in front of an out of breath Ms.Pillar, "you flew to close to the sun" Majesta said. "Now you wings have burned off" Majesta raised her hand into the air as smoke emerged from it into the form of a knife. "Oh no" I said through gritted teeth, but Sandra kept me at bay. "Wait for it" she said, Majesta dropped her knife down onto Ms.Pillar stabbing her in the chest. My heart sank, did I just witness my teacher get killed and do nothing about it? anger grew inside of me. I leaped up and charged at Majesta before Sandra could grab me. I took out my sword and approached Majesta "hey!" I screamed at her with my sword raised.

She slowly turned to me, "well isn't that cute, a baby guardian, who knew a new one would emerge so quickly". Sandra and Derek came behind me with their  weapons out, "hope you have a plan Toby because this chick can take on lava" Derek said. "We fight" I said "good plan wish I thought of that" he answered sarcastically. Majesta was slowly approaching us until we all heard a voice. "Leave them alone" it echoed in Ms.Pillars voice, we all stood there dumbfounded. To make things stranger Ms.Pillars body suddenly turned into a puddle of water.

"What's going on?" Majesta growled, all the water that was left behind from Ms.Pillars recent attacks started to move and churn. It then formed a vortex of water in the middle of the room. "What on earth?" Derek said. "It's time to end this Majesta " Ms.Pillars voice yelled out of the vortex. "I couldn't agree more" she yelled back. And just like that  the tornado of water changed form.

It was now made into a large humanoid figure of Ms.Pillar. Its head was tall enough to reach the ceiling. Majesta was about to make her move but was stopped as tenticals of rock burst from the ground tieing her up. The large figure of Ms.Pillar transformed its hand into a sword and raises it so high that the point of it hit the roof. "TAKE COVER!" Derek screamed as he ran back to the hallway. Me and Sandra tried to follow him but it was to late. Ms.Pillars clone dropped its arm like a falling missile. There was a devastating BOOOOM! as the whole place flooded with water.

I was swept off of my feet and was submerged under water. I held my breath as I floated aimlessly around. Luckily the water started to go down as it all poured out of the room into the halls. I coughed and sputtered as I laid there on the ground. When I caught my breath I looked up to see Ms.Pillar a few feet away from where I was. She was standing over Majestas corpse looking down at her. "Good riddance" she said. All of a sudden Majesta appeared out of nowhere behind Ms.Pillar.

It all happened so fast my brain could barely register it. Majestas dead body was on the floor but yet there she was..... standing behind Ms.Pillar. Before anyone could react Majesta hit Ms.Pillar in the back so hard that her fist shot from the other side of her body. Blood splattered all over the floor. "So that whole time I was fighting a water clone?" Majesta whispered into her ear. She smiled like a maniac "that was brilliant, but I had to return the favor". The dead corpse of Majesta then disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"NOOOO!!!" Derek yelled from a distance. Majesta then threw Ms.Pillars body to the ground towards me. Ms.Pillar fell right in front of me on her back. She had blood coming from her mouth as she tried to speak to me. "T-T-Toby, I have s-s-something very important to tell you". I leaned in closer "yes?" I asked. But there was no answer, she just laid there with her eyes wide open. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I shut Ms.Pillars eye lids.

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