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I wobbled
up onto the sidewalk where the object was. As I approached it the wind started to blow harder and harder. The street lights started to flicker. I finally looked at what the object was up close. It was..... It was.... IT WAS....... a stick? It was an old looking piece of bark. I looked back in the direction where the mysterious light shown. It was so bright and now it's gone. I looked back down at the stick. I reached down and lifted it from the broken sidewalk. It didn't feel strong enough to do such damage to concrete.

Suddenly the bright yellow light shown again, but this time it was the stick glowing. All my wounds healed instantly. The stick vibrated in my hand. What on earth is happening to it? I wanted to drop it but at the same time I didn't. It felt amazing holding it, it gave me power. The stick began to grow longer. Its texture went from wood to metal and the area where I was holding it became a handle. The stick became a sword. A long skinny yellow sword with a cushioned handle. It stopped glowing and rested easy in my hand.

I stared at it for awhile amazed in its presence. I then dropped om the ground and leaped back away from it. Whatever it was im pretty sure it spelled trouble. Luckily I knew the street I was on and turned and made my way home leaving the weapon on the sidewalk. Once I got home I snuck into my front door. My parents should be asleep now and I didn't want them waking and asking a million questions about where Id been. I rushed to my room, took a shower and plopped onto my bed falling straight to sleep.

The next morning I opened my eyes to the sound of birds chirping. The cool crisp morning air smelled of freshly cut grass. I felt great for a guy who was jumped yesterday. I stared at the celling for awhile thinking about what Cindy said. "There are those who are weak and those who are strong". So what makes someone necessarily strong. I shrugged my shoulders at the thought and sat up. I yawned as I stretched my arms out. I then looked down noticing the golden sword sitting on my lap, the same one from the alley.

"WHAT THE!" I screamed as I jumped up knocking the sword over to the floor. "So you're the new guardian?" someone asked from behind me. I turned back to see a boy standing there. He was a bit shorter then me but obviously my age, he had well comed brown hair and carried two guns on his belt. "AHHH!" I screamed as fell back in surprise. "HELP IM BEING ROBBED" I yelled for my parents. The boy chuckled "sorry Toby no one can hear you, I put your parents in a deep sleep" he said. I gasped in terror, "you killed my parents?"

The boy laughed "no of course not, I used the sleep spell" he explained as he approached me. I tried to crawl away from him but there wasn't anymore space for me to go. I looked around for something to protect me. In my frenzy I reached out and lifted the sword up. The boy stopped in his tracks and leaped back. I pointed the sword at him "stay back or I will use this" I threatened. The boy started to sweat and shake. "Whoa whoa whoa let's calm down now, I didn't introduce myself properly" he said.

"My name is Derek, I work for the ministry of magic". "What is that I've never heard of it" I said. Derek grinned a little "I'll show you" he raised his hand up to me slowly. I watched his actions closely, making sure he didn't do anything crazy. He waved his hand to one side. I started feeling weaker. He waved it again causing me to drop the sword. "W-whats happening" I asked no one in particular. Derek waved his hand once more and I hit the ground once again unconscious. I woke up but this time I wasn't in a dumpster.

At first I thought I was lieing on my own bed. But when I sat up to my disappointment that wasn't the case. The room I was in looked like something from a medieval movie. There was a balcony on the other side of the bed and a book case on the wall in front of me. A desk was sitting next to the bed and of course the freaking sword on my lap. I grunted in anger. Did that Derek kid drug me. And where did he take me. I lifted the sword up feeling powerful at its touch. I got up from the bed. Oh no, was I....... Wearing new clothes? My pajamas were gone. I was now wearing a black shirt with long black sleeves that had metal chips embedded into it, also some long dark jean pants with black boots. Eh, to be honest I liked the new fit but that didn't matter. From what I could see the room had no door so I went over to the balcony. I opened the doors and walked out. The veiw took my breath away. I was in a castle!!!!

There were large medeval towers laid around, a large glistening lake to my left and a large green field to the right. In the middle was a town full of houses mansions and people from what I could see. Wait a second, there were people. Maybe I could call for help, I was a few yards up from the ground so they should be able to hear me. Right when I was about to scream there was weird clicking noise behind me. I turned to see the wall on the other side of my bed had a hole opening on it, like a portal.

Men in armor came walking in, they looked pretty menacing so I hoped for the best and leaped off the balcony.

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