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5 months later

I closed the book I was re-reading at the desk I was sitting at as Derek walked into the room. "Didn't I say I wanted to be alone" I said. "Yeah yeah yeah but this is important" he said. I stood up and put the book back on the book shelf behind me. The room Velro gave me was small so the only things that could for were a table, a chair, me, and all 2345 books or was it 2245? It's been awhile since I counted them all. "Gosh Toby you look worse ever since the last time I saw you"

"That was 5 months ago Derek" I said picking up another book from the book shelf. There were towers of books stacked around in the room. "This can't be healthy when was the last time you slept?" He asked. I sat at the desk and opened the book I picked up "about 4 weeks ago" I answred. "That's crazy c'mon Toby when you said you wanted to go pro fast I didn't think you meant like this". I rolled my eyes "you said you were here on important business" I said ignoring Dereks complaining.

Derek just scoffed "yeah, its been almost half a year since anyone has seen you and people are losing hope again. It seems people have grown used to the sewers and don't plan on fighting anymore". I sighed "are we ready to battle Majesta yet?" I asked. "No, a lot of our warriors aren't fully trained in combat and magic" Derek answered. "Why is that?" I asked, "what do you mean haven't you been listening to anything I just now said, the people have lost hope". I closed the book I was reading, I read it over a 100 times already.

I got to put it back when the whole room shook violently. It lasted a second but it knocked me and Derek off balance and a few books fell. "What was that?" I asked, "I don't know" Derek said. Suddenly Velro came rushing in out of breath as he spoke to me. "Majestas forces found us!" He yelled. "Impossible we have a magic barrier concealing us!" Derek pointed out. Velro just shook his head "they somehow found us" he said. "Dang it" cursed Derek as he and Velro rushed out. I rushed after them thourgh the hall that lead back to the camp site.

The sounds of yelling were echoing across the walls as we rushed closer to the battle. By the time we reached the end of the hall it was pure madness. People in dark clothing equipped with all sorts of weapons were attacking our soilders. It was a whole war in here. Derek took out the sword he took from Raven. "Been awhile since I used this thing" he said. A group of enemy soldiers came running at us. In the blink of an eye Derek went from in front of me to behind the group of hostiles.

They still continued to run but started to slow to a hault as their bodies started fall into three pieces at once. Velro looked amazed by the attack, "I knew he was fast but that speed is incredible" he said. I went over and picked up a sword from the hand of one the corpses Derek just sliced up. "Trust me he's full of more surprises, now let's follow him into battle!" I ordered. Velro nodded and the two of us went ahead in helping Derek fight off the invaders.

Velro had a large battle axe in hand and decapitated heads left and right. Meanwhile Derek was all over the place literally cutting the down the competition. I was done stabbing some girl in the chest when someone came from behind me trying to bash my head in from the side with a large hammer. With a quick thrust of my sword I turned and sliced the hammer by its head turning it into nothing but a stick. Before my attacker could react softly placed my hand on his chest. Melt I thought and within seconds the poor mans body slowly melted into a puddle on the floor.

"What the heck, who is that guy!?" Someone yelled. I turned and seen a group of evil doers with rifles in hand. "Don't care shoot him!" one of them yelled. They all aimed and fired their weapons. I put my hand up in front of me and all the bullets stopped in midair right in front of me. The group stopped fireing when they saw their attack were pointless. "It's a good thing your weapons were magically enhanced or that spell would've failed me" I said as the bullets fell to the ground. "What kind of magi-" the man speaking was cut off as I appeared in front of him.

"Freeze" I said as I pushed him onto someone in his group. In an instant they froze into a group of statues. I wonder of Majesta was here leading these guys, but that would be hard to tell since I can't sense anything without the balancer. Suddenly there was a large pain that hit me across the face as something hit causing me to stumble back. "Ouch what the-" my words were cut short when I realized who it was that hit me. "Kenny?!" I asked in shock.

I wasn't even sure it was him, this large bulking man had the face of Ken but not the body. His muscles were so large it made his body look.... Well big.  There was no way he gotten into the sewers through the manhole he looked like he could lift a truck. There were black veins running all across his arms and legs and he had a collar on his neck with a little blue light bulb on it. He snarled and growled like a feral animal. "My gosh Ken what did Majesta do to you?" I said. Ken lunged at me but I dodged at the last second as he crushed the ground with his bare hand.

"Must.... Kill" he growled, "Ken stop this what happened to you!?" I yelled. He swung at me again but I wasn't fast enough to dodge it. I put the sword I had in front of me to block his large fist but the sword broke and Ken hit me straight in the chest sending me flying all the way back into the wall behind me. I hit it with enough force to break a hole in it. I fell to my knees trying to catch my breath, he broke at least two ribs. Ken started to rush at me in a blind rage. "Ice!" I yelled as I smacked my hand in the ground. A trail of ice formed in front of me under Ken causing him to slip and slide forward. I leaped out of the way as he slipped right into the wall with a. CRASH! I landed to hard and a shock of pain ran through my body. I yelped in pain as I fell back to my kness and coughed up blood. Derek suddenly appeared by my side.

"You okay?" He asked as he helped me up. "Im fine" "you're bleeding" "it'll heal!". Ken started to get back up from the ground "grrrr". "Whoa isn't that kid from your school?" Derek asked. I nodded yes. "Y...y...youuuu" Ken snarled at Derek. "Me and him didn't exaclty leave on good terms" Derek said as he approached Ken. "Don't kill him, just subdue him" I said as I joined Derek. "Try telling the big guy that" he joked. Ken rushed at us and me and Derek rushed back. "Rooooar" Ken yelled as he threw a punch at us.

"You go high I go low" Derek yelled as we attacked. I ducked down and Derek jumped up. I got on my knees and slid across the dusty ground like how the rockstars do on stage and Kens fist went over me. Derek jumped over his fist and kicked the Ken in the head. As he did that I got behind Ken and focused my energy into both my arms. Two orbs of light shot from my hand hitting him in the back of his knees. Ken toppled back like a tower "ROCK!" I screamed and a large pillar of earth rose from the ground hitting Ken and wrapping itself around him.

We trapped him, Derek came by mu2 side as I got back up to my feet. "Looks like we did it" he said. Sadly life wasn't that easy. Ken didn't even have to struggle much and the rock around him broke like paper. With one tug he broke free. "Dang it" I cursed, Derek scowled. "Gosh darn it STAY DOWN!" he yelled as he rushed at it swing his sword at his neck. "DIEEEE!" Derek yelled. "Derek no!" I yelled but he didn't listen. He swung the sword but Ken seen it coming. He dodged the sword and grabbed Dereks body and lifted him in the air. "Must.... Kill" Ken mumbled as he started to squeeze. "Ahhh!!" Derek shouted in pain, without even thinking I pointed my finger at Kens collar. "Electricity!" I screamed and a bolt of lightning shot from my finger hitting the collar. "RAAAAWWW" Ken yelled as he dropped Derek. Ken put his hands on his head and yelled up at the ceiling as his collar burnt off. Ken fell to his kness then finally on his face, he was finally down.

I rushed to Dereks aid, "you okay man?" I asked as he got to his feet. "Yeah I've gone through worse" he said. "What the heck man I told you not to kill him" I said. But before Derek could say anything we were in for another surprise. "RUNNN!" Someone yelled as all of our men retreated. I looked behind me to see who it was, it had to be Majesta it just had to. But to my horror it wasn't her at all....... It was Sandra.

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