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I rushed past all the battles going on around me and straight into the castle doors. The throne room was supposed to be in the tallest tower which was dead ahead. Apparently there was no one inside guarding the castle. That's weird, I expected a fight coming in here. Guess I was wrong about that. I finally. Made it to the towers entrance and took the stairs towards the throne room. Alright this was it, I was going to face Majesta, here I go. I burst through the doors of the throne room and rushed in.

The top of this tower was large, the throne room was very wide. There was a large stone chair embedded in the floor in the mist of the room plus the stair case behind it, but no Majesta. I looked around the room for her. "I'm afraid she's on the roof " I heard a voice say from behind the chair. I stopped in my tracks "who's there?!" I yelled. Cindy then emerged from behind the chair "hello Toby, thought you were dead" she said. "Well it would take a lot more then that to kill me" I said.

Cindy smiled "okay then let's try this" she said as she hauled a coffin from behind the chair. "Hey can you guess who's in this thing?" She said. I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Cindy laughed "not so smart huh, well here's a hint, this person died in a room just like the one we're in now". I gaspsd and took a step back, "you didn't" I said. Cindy smiled and opened the coffin revealing Ms.Pillars body. "Oh I did" she said. Cindy then pointed her palm at Ms.Pillars body. The bodys eyes opened and it rose out of the grave. "Ms.Pillar?" I said.

But the body didn't respond, "hahahaha idiot she may be alive but she's under my control!" Cindy laughed. "Now kill the boy!" She ordered. Two wings of water sprouted out of her back and in a flash she rushed at me. I leaped out of the way just before she could strike me down.   "Ms.Pillar stop you're better then this!" I yelled at her. She turned and looked me in the eyes, was I getting through to her. She put her together making the 'drown' symbol with her fingers. Suddenly I couldn't breathe, I fell to my knees as water poured out of my mouth.

My lungs were filled with water, she was drowning me. "Ha ha ha ha looks like you didn't put up much of s fight Toby, I honestly expected that from a cry baby like you" Cindy laughed as she watched. Great, im going to die before I even see Majesta, how pathetic. Wait a second I remember studying water magic. There was a counter spell that would reduce the affects of this, although it would require lots of mana I had no choice. I felt my mind slipping away into darkness and my muscles shake but I pushed through it.

I put my hands together and made the fire symbol. My body burst into flames and the water in my lungs automatically evaporated. I coughed gasping for air. "Whoa smarter then I thought" Cindy teased. I got to my feet and sent a ball of fire her way. But Ms.Pillar appeared in front of it and made a shield of water in front of her evaporating the ball of fire. "Gotta be quicker then that" Cindy said. Ms.Pillar then created two swords of water in both hands and flew at me. I threw a fire ball at her.

But her body melted into water and snaked around the ball of fire. She then reformed and swung her sword at me. I leaned back weaving the strike. She then swung again and again and again. I struggled dodging her attacks, even though my body was lit on fire she was still able to get in close. She jabbed her right hand sword but I moved to the left side dodging it. I grabbed her arm before she could retract it then head butted her in the nose. She staggered back so I used the chance to spartan kick her in the belly.

She fell to the ground flat on her back. I then rushed at Cindy, with Ms.Pillar down Cindy was wide open. But as I made my way to her I could hear my feet splashing against the ground. Splashing? I looked down to see that me and Ms.Pillar were in a large puddle of water. Oh no, not good, I then jumped up as large spikes of water burst from the water. My legs got scratched but it was better then being impaled. As I was in midair Ms.Pillar appeared in front of me in a fury of water.

I had no time to react as she slashed me with her other water sword. She hit me in the chest causing me to fly back and bump my head against the wall rendering me unconscious. When I awoke I was in the middle of a white room sitting at some small white table. There was a small tea cup in front of me filled with tea, also a teapot in the middle of the table. "Hello Toby" said a familiar voice, I looked up and seen Ms.Pillar sitting at the other side. I jumped up ready to continue fighting.

"Sit down boy you're in no danger" she said. "Well how do I know for sure" I said. Ms.Pillar rolled her eyes " sit child or you will be in danger" she threatened. I smiled, yeah that's Ms.Pillar alright. I sat down back in my seat. "How are you here?" I asked, she just took a sip of tea. "It's simple actually".

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