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I awoke to a sharp pain to the side of my face as something hit me from the side. Blood splattered out of my mouth onto the floor. I slowly looked up to see a dirty looking man with a toothy grin looking down at me. I tried to move but my arms seemed bound to my body. I looked down and saw a rope wrapped around my body and legs. I was kneeling on the ground in front of the man. "Wake up" he sneered "you stay away from him!" I heard Derek yell. I looked to my right and saw Derek tied up and on his knees in the same way as me. Brandon was there next to him in the same situation. "Shut up!" The man yelled giving a sharp kick to Dereks stomach causing him to double over.

Before I could say anything someone else spoke up. "That's enough" said a womans voice. I recognized the voice right away. "Majesta" I grumbled, as if on cue she came out of the shadows in front of me. The room wasn't very well lit except for the moonlight pouring in from a broken window at the top of the roof.

"Aww Toby you remember my name" she said with a smile. I looked her in the face with pure anguish in my heart. "How'd you catch us?" I asked her. Her smile just got wider as she said "Why don't you ask your friend here?". Sandra then came from behind Majesta into view.  She didn't seem like her usual self. She stood straight like a statue and her eyes were wide open. I looked at her in shock, I had no words but Derek seemed to have a lot. "Sandra how could you! After all we've been through how could you betray us?" He yelled at her.

But she didn't respond, it was as if she was there but her mind wasn't. Majesta laughed obviously enjoying this. "Sorry boy, but she belongs to me now, just like the rest of this world" she cackled. "But how? Sandra would never join you" Brandon said. "I'm afraid that's where you're wrong" a voice said from behind us. I recognized this voice as well and the thought of it scared me. I turned my head and to my horror I saw Cindy standing there behind us with a few guards standing around her.

I wasn't surprised, but angry I didn't pay any attention to her while at the ministry of magic. "The new girl?" Brandon asked. Cindy smiled, "yeah, I'm the reason your little friend here is on our side now" she explained. That's when it hit me, that night before the attack on the ministry. When me and Sandra were on the bridge and Cindy had shook her hand. She must've used some kind of mind spell, but I learned spells like that were only executed by the best magic users. "But how? There's no way you're skilled enough to cast a spell like that" I told her.

Cindy just sneered "don't doubt my skill Toby, I've been apart of Majestas army for years now you just never knew it" she explained. I sat there confused "but you've been going to my school for years now, I knew you most of my life" I said. she just rolled her eyes. "Are you really that stupid, Majestas influence stretches far, most of the people at that school work for her". "Wait, so when we were attacked by all of those people at the school, you were the one bringing them all back to life?" Derek asked. "That's right" she answered, "but that's not possible it would take decades for you to be that skilled in magic" Derek said.

"She learns from the best" Majesta said, "Cindy is my second in command, and lucky for me the next Guardian had came up in her own school". Cindy then slowly started to approach me "of all the people  to become a Guardian it had to be you, personally I would've chose Ken" she said. She then kicked me in the chest causing me to topple over. "I told you before Toby you're weak and there's no place for your kind!" she yelled. 

"That's enough Cindy" Majesta ordered, Cindy frowned at me and slowly backed away from me. I laid there on the floor unable to get up since I was tied up so well. why couldn't I free myself I should be strong enough to break this rope. I strained and struggled to get free but it wasn't working. Majesta then walked over to me and pulled me back up onto my knees. "That wont work, this rope is enchanted by yours truly" she said. "Now for the moment we've all be-" "NO!" Brandon yelled interrupting her.

Majesta looked his way, "excuse me" she said in a annoyed voice. Brandon looked extremely angry, even more angry then me. "I said no, i'm sick and tired of this, you're more annoying then evil. Why cant you just leave us alone and let things be the way they already are" he said. Majesta moved away from me and turned her attention towards Brandon. "Little boy" she growled as she grabbed the rope tied around him. With one tug the rope broke freeing Brandon. But that freedom was short lived as Majesta grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off his feet. 

"NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled, Brandon now looked petrified. "You will learn to respect me whether you like it or not, unless you want to suffer the same fate as your father" Majesta said. "M-my father's d-dead?" Brandon asked in shock. Majesta then turned towards me "you mean to tell me that you didn't tell this child his father was killed in battle, you were there to witness it" Majesta asked me. I kept my mouth shut, I didn't know how to answer. "Y-y-you knew?" Brandon asked as Majestas grip choked him.

I sat there speechless, I didn't know how to answer. Majesta laughed "oh this is all to sweet, yes child your fathers head was chopped off right in front of Toby and he did nothing to stop it" Majesta told Brandon. A tear rolled Brandons eye as his face turned red "w-w-w-why" he wimpered. "NO SHE'S LIEING THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENED!" I screamed. Majesta just shrugged "I have no reason to lie child, but it's not like it matters you'll have to learn your lesson". Majesta then used the hand she wasn't holding Brandon by and punched him right into the stomach.

Her hand went right in like a knife through bread. "NO!" Derek screamed, Brandon stopped moving completely as blood dripped from his corpse. Majesta laughed maniacally as she slid her hand out holding a bright blue ball of light in her hand. "It's been awhile since I've taken a soul" she laughed as she threw the light into the air. It dissapered into nothingness. Tears rolled down my eyes at the thought of failing Kendrick. Majesta then dropped Brandons lifeless body on the floor.

"You monster!" Derek screamed, Majesta just looked at him with glee. "Oh I'll show you a monster young one!" She yelled back. She then looked back at Brandons body and shot a bolt of black electricity at it. The body started to shake viciously. "STOP IT!" Derek yelled again. Surprisingly Majesta did, but the body continued to shake, it even started to grunt. Majesta rushed over to me and grabbed my swords hilt. I tried to shake her off but the rope was tied to tight around me. Majesta then pulled the sword out and an ocean of energy left me. Power that I used feel before now felt..... limited.

Majesta carried the balancer over her head laughing with joy. The sword started to change color from yellow to black. It also changed shape, its blade grew wider and its hilt grew longer, much longer. It went from a yellow sword to a black staff with the head of an axe at the top. It was as tall as Majesta now, I guess that's the weapon that mostly suits her. Armor started to form around her body into a slim metal dress. It was over, Majesta now has the strongest weapon in the universe.

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