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I went back home with a ton of sorrow on my shoulders. I jumped into bed without even changing my clothes. It was kind of comfortable sleeping with the sword on my back. I was more tired then usual so I went straight to sleep. BOOOOOM!!!! A loud explosion went off in my room. As soon as I opened my eyes I seen that everything was destroyed and that I was under a pile of rubble. My ears kept ringing and I felt dizzy. I pushed up through the rubble and out from the top of what used to be my tower.

I got on my kness holding my head waiting for the ringing to surpass. When it did all I could hear was a series of explosions and people screaming. I looked up trying to focus on my surroundings. It was horrible, almost everything was on fire. People were running all over the place in a panic as balls of fire were thrown from afar at us. What's going on? I stood there shocked until about five dragons flew from over head towards the anarchy. That's when I full grasped the egregiousness of the situation..... We were under attack.

I got to my feet and ran towards Ms.Pillars office. I had to know what exactly was going on. As I ran down the street people were scurrying all over the place. I spotted a group of soldiers running into battle. "Toby!" I heard someone scream. I turned to see Kendrick in full body armor running after me. I stopped and waited for him to approach. "Kendrick what's going on?" I asked. "The league of darkness is here, they somehow got passed our defenses and right into the city. My mean are trying to push them back but the line of war is steady getting closer" he explained

"Why do you think their here?" I asked. But before Kendrick could answer a burning dragon fell from the sky hitting the building behind us, causing it to topple over on us. I swiftly clapped my hands together creating a shield around me and Kendrick before the building fell on us. "Whoa kid since when did you learn to use magic?" Kendrick asked. "Lot's of practice" I said as the shield disappeared. "Hey there he is!" someone yelled from down the street. Me and Kendrick turned to see a group of people standing a few yards away.

I could sense each one of their individual dark presence. "Oh no, the line of war has reached us!" Kendrick yelled. One of the men in the front of his group shot a bolt of lightning at us. Kendrick took out his sword and blocked the attack. I then pointed the palm of my hand out towards the group and quickly focused my energy on water. A large wave of water shot of my hand like a water hose and hitting the group so hard that they were washed away in the current. "That won't hold them let's get somewhere safe!" I said.

"No" answered Kendrick "I am a soldier and my duty is to fight against any evil forces that threatens our way of life!". And with that he leaped at the group of evil doers who were still getting their bearings. Kendrick snuck up on the one closes to him and waved his sword at him cutting the pore guy in two. Kendrick then ran over to the next guy. But this one had his own sword. He tried to stab at Kendrick but Kendrick anticipated that and knocked the sword out of the mans hand with his own.

Then stabbed the man in the chest. Black blood sprayed everywhere as Kendrick skewered him. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't notice the two men behind him. They both threw a fire ball his way. But I leaped in and blocked the attack with my sword. The fire balls blew up against me but I was okay since my armor appeared on me. Kendrick turned around noticing what happened. "Thanks" he said "don't mention it". I then advanced on the two men. One of them tried to hit me with an axe they were carrying.

I swung my sword cutting the axe in half and then kicked the man in the stomach. My foot hit him so hard that he imploded in half. The man standing next to him just chuckled as he jumped back from me. "Finally a challenge" he mocked as he threw black ninja stars at me. They bounced off of me harmlessly. And the man gulped in surprise. I lifted my sword pointing the tip of it at him. A ball of energy came from the sword hitting the man blowing him to ashes.

"Ahh" I heard Kendrick yell from behind. I turned noticing that one of the stabbed him in the back with a knife. In my desperation to save him I threw my sword at the guy who stabbed him. The sword hit him in the head, sliced right through him and flew right back into my hand. Suddenly one of the attackers jumped on my back putting me into a head lock. I struggled to get free but more of them started to jump and dog pile on me. Kendrick was now bleeding and limped around as he fought back group surrounding him.

"NO GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled as I watched Kendrick hobble around with his sword. Some fool ran up on Kendrick with no weapon at all. Kendrick stabbed him in the stomach but the man grabbed the blade so Kendrick couldn't take it back. The man smiled as ice started to form all over his body and the blade. Kendrick let go of the sword, he was now defenseless. Someone tried to stab at him with a knife but Kendrick grabbed his arm and punched the man in the face. But just as that happened another came from behind and struck Kendrick with a nunchuck.

"AHH!" he yelled as he fell to his kness. He tired to bounce back up but was kicked in the face and hit the floor face first. He wasn't getting up. "NO GET UP KENDRICK GET UP!!" I screamed. Kendrick looked up at me and reached his hand out towards me. "Protect.... My..... Son" he coughed as blood dripped from his mouth. Suddenly his head was chopped off as an axe was brought down on his neck.

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