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"How on earth would she be able to do that without us knowing already?" Derek said in a panic. "Maybe the attack on the Ministry of magic was actually a global attack" Sandra said. Brandon sat on the ground shaking in fear. "There's no where safe for us to go, it's over" he muttered. I  shook my head, "no Brandon, everything will work out we just have to stay together and lay low for now" I told him. "Actually, there's one place we can go for safety" Sandra said. "And where's that?" Derek asked. Sandra just smiled "you'll see" she said.

"HEY WHO'S THERE?" Someone yelled from down the road. We all looked and seen a group of people walking towards us. "Great" Derek said sarcastically. "This way!" Sandra screamed as she ran down the other side of the road. We all quickly followed behind her. "Hey it's that guy from the sky, GET HIM!" I heard the guy yell. The group of people started to chase us. There were abandoned cars littered everywhere so it was hard maneuvering around all of them. Sandra and Derek were a few feet away from us as me and Brandon lagged behind.

"Come on Brandon their catching up to us!" I  yelled pulling him along. He was breathing heavily and tiring fast. "Just leave me, it's pointless" he said, this kid was nothing like his father. I would've left him to if it wasn't for his Dad, I had to think fast. I stopped running "keep going I'll slow them down" I ordered Brandon who kept on going. I turned back to face the army of civilians running at me, jumping over cars and carrying all sorts of makeshift weapons. I took a deep breath and levitated into the air.

The group stopped right where they stood and looked up at me. "Whoa he can fly" one person said. "He's just like the people that attacked us" another said. I raised my hand towards them all "I'm sorry" I said. Before anyone of them could move I shot a burst of snow at them. It fell on them like a blanket catching them all by surprise. "Ahh cold cold cold cold" one guy yelled as they all separated and ran off, like a bunch of roaches when you turn on your lights. After they all departed I turned and flew back towards where Sandra Derek and Brandon was waiting for me.

"You guy's okay?" I asked, "no" Derek said. "It's obvious now that the whole world knows about magic now, do you know the problems this could cause!" he yelled in frustration. Sandra placed her hand on his shoulder to soothe him "it'll work out Derek, let's get to safety first okay" she told him. Derek closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "okay fine" he said. "Great now follow me, we don't have much time" Sandra said as she rushed off. "Hey wait up" Derek said rushing behind her.

I looked over at Brandon and saw he was leaning against an abandoned car trying to catch his breath. "C'mon Brandon let's go" I told him. Brandon struggled up to his feet "ugh im out of shape" he said. "Yeah, a lot of things around here are, now get up let's go" I told him. After a few minutes of following behind Sandra and dodging around groups of people we finally made it to our destination. Sandra turned the corner of the street leading us in front of this abandoned warehouse. Sandra ran straight for it but me Derek and Brandon stopped in our tracks.

The place looked very anonymous, although the moonlight shown the warehouse looked dark. All of its windows were broken and the paint was chipping off. "This is our place of safety?" Brandon asked. Derek shrugged his shoulders "maybe it's a base of operations in disguise" he said. I  had a very bad vibe about the place, something was off. But if Sandra was okay with it then so was I. "C'mon let's go" I told them then ran after Sandra. We got to the entrance of the warehouse where Sandra was waiting for us. "Why didn't you go inside?" Derek asked.

Sandra didn't answer, she was standing as stiff as a board. Me and Derek shared confused looks. "Um, are you okay?" I asked. Again no reply, she reached out for the door of the warehouse and opened it. "Follow" she said as she walked into the darkness of the old building. What the heck, this wasn't the Sandra I knew. Somethings wrong, the dark feeling I had was getting stronger. "Um are you sure this is safe?" Brandon asked me. "Yeah of course it is, probably she's just tired" I answered with reassurance even though I had no clue of it was safe.

I walked in after her with Brandon and Derek following close behind me. It was pitch black in here. I could only see a few feet in front of me. "Sandra where'd you go!?" I  yelled out to her. "Guys I don't have a good feeling about this" Derek said. Suddenly I saw Sandra. She was standing  there in the mist of the room with her back turned to us. "Sandra?" I whispered, I reached out for her and that's when things got crazy. I felt the presence of an extremely dark entity in the room.

It was so much to handle it made my knees shake. It felt familiar to, which was the scary part about it. I turned back at Brandon and Derek "MAJESTA!!" I screamed. But it was to late, Sandra turned back at us. Her eyes were dark and she was scowling. She opened her mouth and yelled at us. The sound of her sonic screech along with the dark energy I was feeling was to much for me to handle at once. The blast sent me Derek and Brandon flying back but I slipped out of consciousness before I hit the ground.

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