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After awhile of running we all finally found a safe warehouse where we could stay the night, or day, no one really knows the sun hasn't been seen since Majesta took over. I was with Derek using fire magic to melt the ice off of his arm. "Just make the flame bigger Toby the ice will melt right off" Derek said. "I don't have enough mana to do so" I told him. Derek laughed "now you know how we feel huh mr guardian" he joked. I smiled, Derek always made things better with that sense of humor.

But my smile went away at the thought of him using dark magic. "Derek what's happening to you?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "Well it's just that..... I've never seen you so angry, when Ken wouldn't go down you lost it. Then you tried to kill Sandra using that dark fire ball spell". Derek gave me a serious stare "Toby you gotta understand the world has changed, while you were studying over the past months I've been out here. I've been going out and looking for supplies for our people to survive. I've risked my life so many times just going out to find food.

So of course I've been studying dark magic, because in this world there is no more good or evil. Just the strong and the weak" he exclaimed. I frowned "Derek what are you even saying, do you hear yourself using dark magic, losing your temper, trying to kill your frie-" "SANDRA ISN'T OUR FRIEND ANYMORE!" he yelled at me.  "SHE'S GONE TOBY AND YOU'RE TO FULL OF IT THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE IT!". We started to attract attention from the people around us. "Derek chill out, it's not that serious" I said trying to calm him down.

Derek gritted his teeth, "no Toby im angry, you were gone for months while I had to risk my life for these people. We lost so much to the dark side and where were you while we struggled!" Derek then pushed me away from him. "Derek I... I" Derek just sneered "yeah that's what I thought". "Hey whats going on here?"Velro asked as he approached us. "Nothing Velro" I said as I looked at Derek. Derek looked away and started to flex his arm, the ice around it cracked and finally broke off into peices on the floor.

"Whatever" Derek said as walked off, Velro just shrugged. "Okay, Toby we need to talk you got a second?" He asked me. "Yeah what's up?", "follow me" he said as he walked back thourgh the crowd of people. He brought me into a storage room in the warehouse where we could be alone. "Alright here's the deal, we used to have 5000 soldiers but ever since the recent attack we now only have 2000" Velro explained. "Gosh 3000 people lost" I said. "Yes" Velro said codly "and it gets worse, this warehouse isn't safe we can't stay here. Chances are Majesta has troops scrowing the city for any survivers

We're sitting ducks out here and we have nowhere to run or hide" Velro said. "So what do we do?" I asked, Velro just sighed "I was hoping you told me". Whoa Velro was asking me for help, me of all people. "What should we do Toby?" He asked me. I put my hand on my chin and started to think. But all I could think of was what Derek said. Toby you to gotta understand the world has changed he had told me. So if the world changed we have to change to.

"We fight" I said, "excuse me?" Velro asked. "We fight, we find out where Majesta is hiding and we take the fight to her"  I said. "What that's suicide, weren't you listening we have only 2000 soldiers, Majesta has the world plus that girl who can raise the dead" Velro complained. "Velro the problem with having such a big army is that there's no time to train everyone to fight or supply them with weapons, we have more then enough weapons plus our soldiers have been trained properly. "But-" "no Velro im tired of hiding, this is our only option".

Velro gritted his teeth "fine, you're right but how do we find out where Majesta is?" He asked. "GENERAL VELRO WE GOT SOMETHING!" Someone yelled from ourside the room. Me and Velro rushed out and seen a group of me dragging one of Majestas soldiers towards us. They threw him at our feet. "Found this guy spying on our group from afar" one of the men said. "No doubt was going to bring reinforcements to come kill us" Velro said. I reached down and grabbed the man up from the floor. "Let me go you imbecile, Majesta will have your head" he spat.

"Is that so, well why don't you tell me where I can find her to give her my head personally" I said. "Ha like I'll ever talk" the man said. I smirked "well if you won't tell me maybe you'll tell my friend" I said. "Ha that guy doesn't scare me" he said referring to Velro. "Oh no im not talking about him" I said. I looked to Velro "do me a favor and call Derek over here please". A few seconds after Velro left he came back with Derek. "So who's the poor soul I gotta question" he said.

I threw the man towards Derek "don't hold back" I said. Derek grabbed the man "oh I won't, give me 5 minutes" he said as he dragged the man in the storage room and closed the door. "What makes you think Derek will make him talk?" Velro asked. "Dark magic is the worlds most torturous magic" I answered. After a 5 minutes of screaming and maniacal laughing Derek finally opened the door and came out with black blood on his hands. She's on a dark island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean" Derek said.

"How on earth are we going to get there?" Velro asked. "Hmm I don't know, guess I didn't think that far ahead" I said. Derek sighed "if only we had someone who clould just a portal there" Derek said. Suddenly an idea popped up in my head. "Derek you're a genius, we'll just open a portal and move the army to the island. Velro looked shocked, "that's a horrible plan no one except a guardian can have enough mana to open such a large portal for such a long time" Velro said. "Um hello I am a guardian, with or without the balancer" I complained. "Toby you barley have enough mana to light a fire" Derek chimed in.

"Yeah but what if you all gave me the mana. If everyone in the army gave me 5% of their magic I'd have enough mana to open a portal to the Atlantic. Velro shook his head "another bad idea, you'll over load and blow up, is that what you want?" Velro said. "It's worth a shot" I said. I turned to the crowd of people. "Everyone gather around I have a favor to ask!" I yelled. More and more people started to gather.

"Listen, I need all of you to lend me your energy, I will open a portal to Majestas place of residence and we will bring the fight to her!" I yelled. The crowd started to stir, I understood why, no one except to be fighting back so early, they were scared. "Guys listen I know you're scared but we have no where to run and no where to hide. And honestly aren't you all tired of living like scared rats in a sewer!?". A few people nodded their heads in agreement. "Would you all rather die a crying little coward on the street or die fighting like a real warrior of the ministry?!" I asked.

"Warriors!" The crowd yelled, "then get off your butts and lend me your energy so I may lead you to victory!". There was a loud "YEAH!" As everyone in the crowd bunched together. They got close and each person would put there hand on someone elses shoulder passing their mana through them. The people at the front reached out their hands towards me.

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