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This schedule went on for about five months. Everyday I went to all three people to learn all three subjects plus the time I spent studying after. My heart still yearned for Sandra but I learned to distract myself. One sunny day I made my way to the school for my lesson with Sandra. "Hey Im here" I announced as I entered the library. "GET OUT!" Brandon yelled as I made my way over. Him and and Sandra were standing off to the corner of the library. Sandra was crying and Brandon seemed furious. "What's going on" I asked.

"I SAID LEAVE!" Brandon yelled again. "Hey don't talk to him like that your mistake isn't his fault" Sandra said. Brandon turned back to her. "Mistake? What mistake?" Brandon asked. "You know what you did!" Sandra yelled as she pointed at his face. "Think I haven't heard? Word spreads fast Brandon!"
"Baby what are you talking about?" Brandon asked. "I heard you've been dating someone else for awhile now but I chose not to believe it,until I caught you kissing some other girl yesterday at the local gym!" she cried. Brandon gulped hard "what were you doing at the gym?" he asked.

"DOES IT MATTER! You're a sneaky jerk and I should've never gone out with you" she screamed. "You know what fine!" Brandon said. "Im cheating on you with another girl Sandra, what do you expect me to do you're always with this fool over here" he said pointing at me. I was already sitting at the table watching this unfold. "He has nothing to do with this" Sandra said. Brandon punched the wall "LIES! I SEE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT HIM!" Brandon yelled in her face. I got to my feet and stepped forward. "Hey man that's enough" I said.

Brandon just snickered and turned to me. "Mind your own business" he said coldly. If I was the same person I was five months ago I would've listened, but things change. "This is my business, and I plan on minding it" I told him. He approached me and pushed me lightly on the chest. "So you think you're big and bad because you're the Guardian huh?" he said. His eyes were red and teary and he looked to be on the verge of crying. "Leave him alone" Sandra said "SHUT UP!" Brandon snapped. I looked Brandon in the eyes.

"I don't want no trouble" I said, "no, you got trouble soon as you started messing with my girl" he said. Suddenly he threw a punch at me, but I caught his fist with my hand. He tried to pull away but I held on. "It's people like you" I said as I squeezed his fist tighter. There was a loud crack as Brandon hollered in pain and fell to his kness. "That makes me sick" I punched him on the side of his face with my other fist. Brandon fell on the ground unconscious as spit and blood fell from his mouth.

Sandra didn't look sorry for him, she just shook her head then spat on his shirt "idiot" she cursed. I held my hand out to her "come on" I said. She wiped away her tears with her sleeves "what?" she asked. "Let's get out of here, take a break for once and go out" I said with a nervous smile. Sandra looked at me then back at Brandon. She smiled at me and took my hand "Id love to" she said as she stepped over Brandons body. We both made our way out of the school.

"So where too?" Sandra asked, I looked at her dumbfounded. I still know this place well, I only really stayed home to study. "I was hoping you had the answer" I said. Sandra started laughing, "didn't plan this far?" she said. I chuckled "I didn't plan at all" I said smiling. "Hmm" Sandra wondered aloud. "Ever had prehistoric shark?" she asked. "What?" I asked, Sandra grabbed my arm and pulled me down the sidewalk. "Follow me,you're going to love this" she said as she lead me down the street. She took me to this nearby seafood restaurant called 'seafood out of time'.

It looked like any other restaurant from the inside and out. It had tables, napkin dispensers, waiters, even customers. Me and Sandra sat down at a table next to the front window. We were instantly approached by a waitress "hello my name is Sassy" she said. "What would you like to drink?" she asked. "Id like some iced tea" Sandra said. "Water for me" I said. Sassy nodded her head and walked away. "Um how are we going to pay for all of this?"I asked. Sandra laughed "we don't have to pay Toby" she said.

I gave her a confused look, "why?" I asked. "Those who work directly for the Ministrys government don't have to pay for certain things" she explained. "Oh" I said, I kind of liked that idea, why couldn't everywhere be like that. We stayed there talking and laughing with each other for hours. It was the best time I had ever since I got here. The sun had finally went down and it was dark outside. Sandra looked outside the window and sighed "looks like it's late, we better get home" she said. "I'll walk you" I said as I pushed my plate of shark away.

We both stood up and left the restaurant. Sandra held onto my arm as we made our way down the street. "So you never been to an arcade?" Sandra laughed as we walked. "Of course not, to much work walking all the way there" I joked. Sandra laughed again "you're by far the most strange person I've ever met" she joked. I smiled in delight tonight was the best night of my life, nothing can ruin it. Me and Sandra made a right onto a bridge. The moonlight reflected off of the water making the scene romantic.

Sandra stopped at the peak of the bridge. "What's the matter" I asked. Sandra let go of my arm and walked to the edge of the bridge looking out over the water. "This is where me and Brandon used to go" she sighed with sadness. I stood next to her "forget about that guy he's not the one for you " I said. She turned and looked me in the eyes. She looked beautiful in this lighting. Her face was just inches from mines. We stared at each other for what felt like forever. I swallowed hard, my heart was racing so fast it skipped beats.

Sandra leaned in and I leaned closer. This was it, it was happening. "Toby!" someone called from behind me. Sandra pulled away and my hope dissolved into nothing. I turned to see Cindy jogging towards us. What the heck could she want? She finally approached us. "Hey Toby funny meeting you here" she said with a smile on her face. It took all of my strength not to draw my sword out. "What do you want?" I said coldly. Cindy sighed "I just wanted to apologize for everything, I recently learned that-" "apology accepted" I interrupted.

"What?" she asked "I said I accept your apology" I lied. I just wanted her to leave. "Who's this Toby?" Sandra asked. I bit my teeth in frustration. "Sandra this is an old friend, her names Cindy" I explained. "Oh you must be Sandra, I hear a lot about you" Cindy said as she took her hand out. Sandra took her hand to shake it. And for a second, just a split second I felt something...... Odd.
I shook off the feeling "well Cindy its been fun but Im busy at the moment" I told her.

Cindy smiled "aren't we all" she said as she walked away. I watched her as she made her way. "Ugh Toby" Sandra said sickly. I turned to see Sandra holding her head, she looked dizzy. "Are you okay" I said as I rushed to her aid. She pushed me back. "Im okay, listen I gotta get home, I'll see you later" before I could react Sandra rushed off alone. "But" was all I could manage to say.

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