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Sandra screamed at the top of her lungs making a sonic blast of sound fly towards the group. The shock wave sent them all flying back. Sandra took the opportunity to rush at them. One of them rushed back to his feet but was stabbed in the shoulder by one of Sandras chains. He was pulled forwards towards Sandra who in turn kicked him causing him to blow up into ashes. More of the people in the group got to their feet still a little numbed by the sound wave attack. One by one Sandra slaughtered them.

She slashed and stabbed and cut and killed. One of them tried to rush at her from behind with a sword. Sandra  ducked dodging the sword entirely. She turned and stabbed the man in his stomach. "Big mistake" she said, she then flung the man into the air with the chain still embedded in him, into a nearby building. The chain caught fire making the man blow up like a bomb destroying the building. Derek then joined the battle, like a bolt lightning he ran right into the nearest evil doer pushing her to the ground. He stomped on her chest and said "mind if I borrow this".

He grabbed her by her long hair and with one pull ripped her head off. Black blood splattered all over the ground. "What the h-" one of the people tried to say, but was cut off by Derek. Who used the womans head as a battering ball as he hung on to her hair. Derek struck the man in the chest sending him flying to the ground dead. Someone tried to grab Derek from the back but Derek jumped into the air doing a back flip over his head. While in mid air Derek wrapped the girls hair around the guys neck.

When Derek landed behind him he had the man in a choke hold. The man struggled to breathe. "I no longer have mercy for your kind" Derek said. He tightened his grip and the hair cut clean through the mans neck decapitating him. "What the heck" Brandon whispered to himself. I kinda knew what he was feeling, I've never seen such merciless killing before in my life. I had to end this fight. I took my sword out "stay put" I told Brandon. "Oh no not you to" he said.

I ignored him and shut my eyes focusing all of my energy into my legs. I snapped my eyes opened and ran into battle. I was going faster then I've gone before. It was like the world was in slow motion. I ran up onto my first victim like a maniac. I swung my sword at her slicing her in half. I then went to the next person and did the same. This went on for awhile but I was getting slower by the second. Sadly one of them saw me coming and tripped me. I fell to the ground face first.

"Well well well look at this" one of them said as they surrounded me. I was about to get up and fight but Derek came to my rescue. He pointed his hand towards them and a shock of water shot from his hand. But all he managed to do was wet the group surrounding me, including me. They all laughed at him. Derek just snickered "yeah laugh it up now, it'll be the last time you do". Suddenly Sandras chain wrapped around me and pulled me into the air. The group looked up to see Sandra standing on a nearby roof pulling me up.

"Hey!" One of them yelled, but it was to late. Derek shot electricity from his finger tips into the puddle they were standing in. They all screamed in pain as their skin fryed to nothing more then charcoal. Their blackened bodys stood there like statues from a haunted museum. I sat on the roof where Sandra pulled me up to being grateful she pulled me out. "You okay Toby?" She asked. I sat there trying to catch my breath. I then put my sword back into its scabbard. "Yeah I'm okay" I answered before leaping off the ground.

I landed onto the ground along with Sandra who came after me. "Let's get out of here before more of them come" Brandon said. "Right, let's get to the pier" I said. Sandra nodded and lead the way.

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