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(Y/n): Your Name
(L/n): Last Name
(H/c): Hair Color
(E/c): Eye Color
(F/c): Favorite color
(F/f): Favorite Food
(F/d): Favorite Drink
(H/n): Horse Name

~•Your POV•~

Like every night we have a family dinner altogether. My dad, mom and sister Luna. Being in a royal family is a dream for most people, but for me it isn't. Ever since that witch gave me strong powers, mom and dad were kinda mean to me. I was the youngest, mom and dad love Luna. They love how she's much brighter than me. Luna has the same eye color as me, but has dad's astonishing Shining blonde hair. But Luna does love me as a sister, although the worst thing is that i have never went out of the castle. Mom and dad wants to keep me in so my powers won't be in the hands of someone else. All they care about is my powers. They don't love or care me like how they do to Luna.

All i'm doing right now is playing with my dinner which is my favorite. (F/f) and this is the only day for me to have this, but i don't feel like eating.

"(Y/n)! Stop playing with your food! Isn't this your favorite and you know this is the only day for you to eat this!" Said mother who is obviously mad.

"I just don't feel like eating......" I said as i look down at my plate.

"Why can't you ever be like your sister?! Look she's eating and she's almost finish! Why can't you be like her?!" Father exclaimed.

"Well maybe beacuse people are different father." I said.

"Don't talk back like your father like that! Eat your food or we punish you young lady!" Said mother.

I groan and just took one bite of my food and drank some (f/d). I take another bite and drink some more.

"There!" I said.

"Why didn't you finish it?!" Father ask.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

"See this is a type of daughter that i don't want to have!" Said mother.

"Than why you treat me like this?! You've been treating me as a slave for my whole 21 years!" I shouted as my eyes were in a verge of tears.

"That's it! Go to your room! NOW!!!" Father yelled.

I start to cry and run to my room as i went in i slammed the door shut. I sat down where i was as i lean my back towards the door. I cried and sobbed until there was a knock on the door. I stood up and turn the door knob. It was Luna. She's always here for me.

"Hey sis....." she said. "Can i come in?"

I open the door even wider to let her in. She walk in and i close the door shut. Luna look down at me and i start crying even more. She brought me in for a hug and kept stroking my (h/c) hair.

"I'm sorry for this to happen......" she said.

"It wasn't your.......fault." I said in between sobs.

"What are you going to do?"

I had this idea for over years and it's crazy, but i can't live my life like this! I pulled away from Luna and gave her a serious look after i wiped my tears. "I need to run away. I need to be free. Discover all the places in Ru'uan. I can't live my life like this!"

"But wouldn't mother and father notice?"

"Yes, but they wouldn't know where to find me. Ru'uan is huge! It might take them years."

"But i will do miss you and how are you going to escape?"

"I will miss you too, but i must live the rest of my life with freedom. I know mother and father lock every single door and windows on the sides of the castle, but their locks are not that strong."

I walk over to my huge window with Luna following behind. "These locks have became so rusty, so if i could just....."

I held up the lock and pulled it down causing it to break. I dropped it on the ground and open my window doors. The wind were blowing my hair and i could smell the fresh air.

I smiled brightly. I run to my closet to grab a backpack. I stuff in some snacks, water, clothes and my (w/t). Father did ask his guards to give me guard training and those lessons will come in handy. I grab a white crop top and black skinny jeans and change in my bathroom. After i was done i put on my back pack and saw Luna.

"So......you really are leaving......" said Luna. I look back to see her looking down.

"Come with me."

"W-what?" She sound startled.

"Sisters stick together." I held out my hand waiting for her to take it.

"But i don't have my stuff!"

"Then we just go to your room."

I clap my hands to reveal a door on my wall that leads us to Luna's room. We pack everything she needs and she changed into a Night blue tank top and black leggings.

We walk back to my room. "Oh wait!" I said as i run to my closet to take two black cloaks.

"Uhh......cloaks?" Luna asks.

"We don't want anyone to know that two princesses are running away."

She nodded and took one of them. We wore them and it was perfect. I put on my hood and we look perfect. We both walk to my open window door and look down to see roofs of building, but we were so high up. Luckily both of us took guard training for 5 years.

"Ready?" I ask as i face her.

"Ready!" We both jumped down and land safely on the roofs.

"We should head to the stables. Take the horses there." I said.

"Are we stealing?!"

"We're princesses. We can get anything we want."

We start to jump and run from roofs to roofs until we reached the stables. I grabbed a white horse while Luna took a black one.

"I think i'll name mine (h/c)." I said as i went on (h/c). 

"And i'll name mine Mystic." We were already on our horses and we rode off. The gates were close and we sorta have a wall, but i know a secret way to get out of this place. There was a  underground tunnel that leads at the other side of the wall.

After we were out of the tunnel we gallop are way to the forest. Finally i have Freedom!

Hey guys! Yup i've made a Laurance x Reader book. Don't worry i'll still be updating the other books, i just want to challenge my self if i can manage on doing three books. I'm sorry Laurance wasn't in this chapter but he will in the next one. Leave a vote or a comment and go check out my other books if you're ineterested. Till next time!


This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now