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•Your POV•

"So what now?" Luna asks.

"I honestly don't know, not being here for like years it's just so.....*Sighs* How will we get in?" I ask.

"Well the guard may recognize you. You are the princesses of this kingdom." Said Laurance.

"We were the princesses, until we went missing...." said Luna.

"Well let's see if anyone is up there." I said as I look up at the wall. "HELLO?! ANYONE THERE?!" I yelled.

Nothing, but silence. "Could we just break down the wall?" Garroth asks.

"HALT!" Someone yelled.

We look up to see a line of guards with wands out?

"What's your business here?" A guy in a gold armor spoke.

"We just came to visit our home again." I explained.

"I never see you ever in my life! And I've been here for years!" He yelled.

"Please believe when we say this, we are the princesses of this kingdom! I'm sure you have heard of Princess Luna and (y/n)!" Luna yelled.

"Hah! How could they still be alive! It has been said that they were dead! On the same day of their parents death! That's why Queen Teresa is the next one in air!"

Aunt Teresa? Queen? "Please believe us, we are the true princesses!" I yelled.

"I have to say no! Man ready your wands!"

Before they could do anything the gates open and I saw a woman with Jet black hair and brown eyes with a silver long silky dress on, walking her way here. Wait a minute.

"Not so fast!" She yelled.

Me and Luna got off our horses and run up to her. She opened her arms for us to hug her. "AUNT TERESA!" Me and Luna yelled as we hug her.

She hugged us back until she pulled away, looking at us with tears in her eyes.

"Oh I missed you girls!" She gave us a kiss on the forehead. "I got worried sick when you two ran away, again. Now that you're here, all my worries are gone!"

We smiled brightly to have ourselves reunited with parts of our family. The man who was in the gold armor came up to us.

"Mother you know these two?" He spoke as he took off his helmet. He has also jet black hair, but with Light blue eyes.

"Mother?!" Me and Luna both exclaim.

"Yes! I know these two! Oh girls! Meet my son Leo! Head guard of Hawksverd and your cousin!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you two. Haha I'm sorry about before but that joke on you being the princesses of this place was quite funny."

"We weren't kidding." I said.

"You weren't?" Leo faced towards our aunt. "Mother?"

"Let's just go inside." She said.

"Oh wait, we would like to have you meet someone too aunt Teresa." Said Luna.

Laurance and Garroth were walking slowly towards us, until Luna pulled them. The guards had our horses, so need to worry about anything about it.

"Aunt Teresa, while we were gone we met these two in a village named Phoenix Drop. This is Laurance and Garroth our boy friends." I explained.

"Oh it's an honor to meet you two. My oh my, you girls have good taste in men, these two or both charming. I recognize one of you though. Garroth Ro'meave is it?"

"Yes it is, a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"Please, let us not go all formal. Let's get inside, it's getting cold out here."

We followed Aunt Teresa and Leo into the castle. It hasn't change from the time we were gone, but there were some improvements.

We walk in and it was the exact same place as I had remember. There were giant golden stairs leading towards the second floor, a red carpet laid on the floor, a giant crystal chandelier on top of the ceiling giving light to the room and white bright painted walls.

I forgot how beautiful this was, and this is just the first. Over in the front were 1 door on each of the right and left. Giant doors.

"I think we should have a tour, just in case you girls forget about the directions to go in your own castle." Said Aunt Teresa.

"I'm sorry Mother, but I need to get to the Wandery to fix my wand." Said Leo.

"Oh that's fine, just be back before dinner." Leo nodded and the guards open the doors for him to walk out.

"Let's start."

We went to those doors over in the front, right under the stairs. A guard from the other side opened the door and just what I have expected it was the throne room......

"I'm guessing you recognize this place....." Aunt Teresa spoke.

"Very...." I said as I walk around. Everything was the same. I walk towards the thrones, mine was still here and my Father's and mother's......

I placed my hand on my throne handle and just stare deeply into my thoughts. So many memories were consists in this room. We have balls and big special parties, it was just amazing. But this is the exact same place where they died. I felt someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I look back to see Laurance with a reassuring smile on.

He now had his hand holding mine. I smiled back and continue on the tour.
We were back at the entrance of the room, but we turned to room at the left which was the dinning room.

"As you may see this is the dinning room, so go ahead and just look around."

There was another giant chandelier on top of the long white, detailed table and white chairs with a seating that is red but velvet. Maids were setting up the meals.

Laurance was still holding my hand, and that's when I saw a big portrait of me and my family. There was me on the left side with my sister on the right. My mom was behind me and my dad was behind Luna.

That was 5 years ago, we looked so different and we look so proper. We had a straight face, no smiles. It was a nightmare in that time.

"Come now, let's go on with the tour." Aunt Teresa announced.

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