~•Party set up•~

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•Your POV•

"Thanks you for helping me set up for the party (y/n)." Said Aphmau.

"Your welcome Aph. I just want to make a use of myself."

Me and Aph are setting up for Lilith's birthday at the plaza. I hang up some streamers from booth to booth and around the trees.

I helped Aph setting up the chairs and tables. I actually want to do most of the work, because Laurance told me Aph was pregnant. So i want Aph to be careful on the things she do.

"Hey girls!" Me and Aph faced where the soung came from and it was just Luna and Katelyn.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Setting up for the party i see." Said Katelyn.

"Yup!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"Well we want to help. We don't want you two working to the bone. Besides, Aph you're pregnant. You got to be careful on what you do." Said Luna.

"I know, but i just can't help my self." Said Aph.

"Than let us help you." I said.

We all placed down decorations, more streamers and tables for the party. It all looked great. We deserved a pat in the back.

"Well that took forever." Said Katelyn.

"Yeah, but at least it ended up beautifully." I said.

"Lilith is going to love this. I should better go back home. Bye guys." Aphmau starts to leave and we all went to our seperate ways.

I walk to the walls and say Hyria comming out of the forest.

"Oh hi Hyria." I said.

There was a girl following behind her. She had red and pink gradient hair. She have sky blue eyes.

"(Y/n) meet your fire trainor Olivia." Said Hyria.

"Nice to meet you Olivia." I said as we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too (y/n). Hyria told so much about you."

"Well i'll leave you two to train." Hyria then disappeared in smoke.

"Come, i set up a training area, right at the perimeter of the forest." I followed Olivia to an opening. There were fighting dummies, swords and wooden poles stuck into the ground.

"So what's first?" I ask.

"Easy. You controlling your powers."

~Time skip~

"*Pants* I'm....beat!" I collapsed on the ground.

"Ok, maybe next time we'll practicing on you practicing your aim. We should go back now."  Me and Olivia got our energy and we went seperate ways. We were greeted by Travis and Laurance.

"Hello gorgeous~" Travis smirked at me.

"Flirt with someone else Travis." I said as i walk past right him. I can hear Laurance laughing.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now