~•Hood down•~

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~•Your POV•~

I woke up by the sound of birds chirping and the bright shining light from the sun shining towards my face. I got up, do a little strecth and didn't realize my cloak was still on. I went to my bag and grab some new clothes. It was just the same as what i'm wearing right now. I take a quick shower and changed into my outfit. I wore my cloak and pull up my hood.

"(Y/n)! Breakfast!" Luna shouted.

I run downstairs and saw her placing down a plate with sausages, bacon and waffles!

"Wow now we never have a breakfast like this in Hawksverd." I said as i took my seat.

"Yeah, you know how Father and mother are when it comes to our appetite."

I start to take a bite and it tasted like the heavens. My eyes grew wide and i start to eat everything else like a dog. I may be a princess and supposedly have manners, but i'm finally free from those!

"So you like it?" Luna asks.

"I love it! You are better than those chefs we had! This is amazing!"

I finish up my plate and placed it down to the sink. I was about to go upstairs until...

"(Y/n)! You know we don't have maids so they don't clean our dishes for us. You go clean up your own dishes." Said Luna.

"But whyyy..." i whined.

"Not buts. Not get your butt here!"

"Ugh fine!"

I walk to the sink and wash my dishes. This is hard work, now i know how our maids feel.

*Knock knock knock*

"I'll get it!" I shouted.

I open the door to see Laurance.

"Oh hey (y/n)! I want to ask if i could give you a tour?"

"Umm sure, i'll just get Lun--"

"Nah you two go ahead. Garroth said he'll be here in a minute to show me around." Said Luna.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yeah. Go."

I walked outside and closed the door behind me.

"Okay lets start over to the plaza."

*Time Skip*

"And this is Lord Levin's mother's house." Said Laurance as we made it on top of this hill. The house was full of purple and pink.

Laurance knocks on the door a few time until a woman with long black silky hair and orange hazel eyes open the door.

"Hey Laurance. Oh you must be (y/n). Laurance told me about you and your sister." She said.

"Yeah that's me. It's nice to meet you....."

"Aphmau. But you can call me Aph."

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now