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•Jaspar's POV•

"He just had to ruin everything!" I yelled at myself as I punched my wall.

"He ruined my chance to be with her!" I punched the wall again.

"And now there is no way for me to be with her! Like the old days!" I punched the wall hard until there was a hole. I don't care if the blood dripping down my wrists. "All I wanted was to be with the girl I love, but to see her taken makes my blood boil!"

"Maybe I can help~"

"What? Who's there!"

"I'm right here."

"Here where?!" I take out my bow and arrows. "Show your self you coward!"

"Maybe you should look before you speak!"

"I don't know what you're doing, but stop using these weird dark magicks you're doing!"

"I'm not you using magicks you dummy! I'm just right at your window you idiot!"

I looked at my window to see a woman. She has short dirty blonde hair and bright orange eyes. Heh she looks cute.

"Who are you?!" I ask pointing my bow towards her.

"Whose, easy with the bow you little archer. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lynx. Lynx Vern. People call me a thief and that is true."

"What do you want?" I said as I lower my bow.

"I want to help you. If you want that girl you love, you'll have her. Only if you help me?"

"What is it that you want?"

"I heard you're archery is perfect. A shot of that bow you have can be fast in a blink of an eye. One shot and in a second that person is dead."

"Huh, I am known for my great archery."

"Don't flatter yourself. Anyways I want everyone in this village dead. My village and theirs have history and I want all of the people who lives here dead. Except (y/n) of course, you're soon to be lady."

"Hmm I see nothing wrong with that. It has been so long since I've done a task like this."

"Anyways not only that there's something of (y/n)'s that I preciously want, and it's her powers."

"I never knew she has powers."

"Well you do know! Whoopee! Good for you! *Sighs* Do we have a deal?"

Lynx held up her hand for me to shake on it. I shook her hand and let her in so we can discuss our plan.

I'm coming for you (y/n) and you're precious boyfriend.

•Your POV•

*Yawn* It's another new day. I turn myself and saw Laurance's sleepy, messy and cute face.

Yes. Me and Laurance have been living together since a year. It was one of the greatest choices I have made. But there comes the time I have to wake him up. I poke around his face.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now