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•Your POV•

It was like midnight and Dexter hasn't woke up. I'm getting really worried. I heard someone climbing up the ladder and it was just Laurance.

"Hey babe, he still hasn't woken up?" He asks as he walks up to my side.

"No.......i'm really worried."

"Hey, he's gonna be ok." He wraps his arms around my waist to make me turn to see his handsome face.

I smiled and lean in to kiss him. He kissed back and it was now full of passion. I love how everytime we kiss, it's just full of love and how we move our lips in sync. His soft, sweet lips on mine just makes me feel like i'm in my dream. Where my life is just perfect.

We then had to pull away. I hugged Laurance as he hug me in comfort.

"Come on. It's already late, lets get you home. Your sister is worried about you." Laurance said as he took my hand and we went down the tree.

I had a last look at Dexter, making sure he's fine. Me and Laurance walk peacefully through the village with the sound of the wind with the shining moon and the shimmering stars up at the dark night sky.

We then soon reached my house and i gave Laurance a last peck on the lips.

"Good bye Laurance. I love you."

"I love you too." He then walks off, but soon turns around and walks backwards while he made a heart shape on his chest. Than he turn back to walk normally.

I giggled to see how sweet he is. I walk in and quietly walk my way to my room. Making sure that my sister wouldn't wake up by the creeking sound that our stairs make.

I walk in my room and got ready to sleep. Next morning, i'm going to the tree house to check on Dexter. I can't leave him. Not like last time......

~Time Skip~

I woke up and got myself ready with my clothes, hair, and everything else. I walk to my closet and i chose a dress. I know that i don't really like dresses but i don'y know why, but i just want to look presentable.

I walk downstairs to see Luna cooking up something yummy

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I walk downstairs to see Luna cooking up something yummy.

"Hey Luna. How are you?" I ask a bit worried for her eversince yesterday.

"*Sighs* Great! Now that man is gone! Plus i heard about someone new here? Who is he?"

She asks as she gave me a playe full of pancakes and fruits.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now