~•Home Sick•~

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•Your POV•

"And then the fairy princess fought the dragon and save the lands!" Leona exclaim as she finished the story.

"Yay!" Both Alina and Lilith exclaimed.

I insisted that I want to help Leona on babysitting the girls for Aph, ever since last week. She did forgive me, but I felt so much guilt that I insisted on baby sitting the girls. She gladly allows me and I think things are going smoothly.

"So what do you girls want to do?" Leona asks.

"Cake!" Leona exclaim as she throw her arms up high.

"Oh you guys want cake?" I ask.

"Yeah!" They both exclaim.

"Alrighty let's go to the market!" Leona exclaim.

I froze by the word. I thought we would be making a cake! Phoenix Drop is already mostly inhabit with people who admire me and Aph, so if I go out I may have to encounter some people.

"You coming (y/n)?" Leona ask as she stands by the door with the girls.

"Oh yeah."

We went outside and down the hill we got to the plaza. Oh geez, it's pack. Leona saw my nervousness.

"Hey (y/n), if you're uncomfortable about this we can just go somewhere else." She said as we stop for a minute.

"No no, it's fine. Besides if the girls want cake, we'll give them cake."

"If you say so."

We got nearer to the plaza until we're there. We all try to find a place where they sell cakes and as we search, most villagers spotted me and whispered to other villagers. I kept my head low as I follow the girls.

"Oh look! Kawaii~Chan is selling cakes!" Leona exclaim as she and the girls run towards the booth.

I followed behind, but a woman and a man stopped me by stepping in front of me. I can see the excitement in their eyes. Oh dear.....

"Excuse me, are you the lady Serena?" The woman asked.

"Umm I'm a descendant of her."

"Oh thank the Irene! We have worshipped you for what you have done in the past for our home village lady Serena!" The man exclaim.

"What did I do?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't you remember? You transformed into a mighty dragon and burned the king and queen of our home village, Hawksverd. They were nothing but trouble ever since you left with your sister!" The woman explained.

I then got memories hit me like brick onto my mind. Replaying that horrible thing I did. I did hate my parents, but they're my parents i did love them. Tears starts to form in my eyes but I have to keep it strong. It just stings.

"Excuse me, but her majesty is kinda in an emotional state so may you two please give her space." Said a voice who came in front of me. I look up to see Laurance and Leona.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now