~•Winter Wonderland•~

367 19 14

•Your POV•

I woke up by the chilling temperature we are having. I saw that I fell asleep on the ground from last night. Laurance wasn't with me. Where is he? I got up and wrap my blanket around me even tighter. It's freezing!

I made my way to the window and saw it was foggy. I wipe the window and saw it's snowing! Oh my Irene! This is the first time I ever seen snow!

I rushed upstairs to see if I have any winter outfits. Aha! Found it!

It was Luna's until it was too small for her, so now I'll be wearing this

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It was Luna's until it was too small for her, so now I'll be wearing this. I took a quick warm bath and got myself ready. I heard the front door open.

I run downstairs and saw Laurance, freezing and has snow all over him. His lip is purple and he's shivering.

"B-b-b-babe! M-m-m-morning!"

"L-Laurance! You're freezing! Ok just hold on for a second."

I grab the thickest blanket we have and gave it to Laurance. I grab a cloth and dip it in some hot water.

I rub it on Laurance, trying to keep him warm and brush away the snow.

"Laurance what were you doing outside? You're still in pajamas!"

"T-there was a-an important meeting about the sudden a-attack in the Phoenix Capital!"

I kept dipping the towel in hot water and kept rubbing it on Laurance.

"What did you talk about?"

"Well we were s-seeing if we can f-find any clues! But so far none."

"What about the arrow?"

"The arrow d-didn't gave us a hint who the c-culprit is. All we know is that all the arrows just have an orange streak on the stem."

"Well that's better than nothing. Anyways are you feeling warm?"

"Actually how about a cuddle to make things better~?" He smirks I roll my eyes and placed the cloth on his lips.

"No. I want to have my first ever experienced in snow!"

"Wait this is the first time for you to see snow?" He says as he took the towel off of his lips.

"Yeah! It's very rare to snow in Hawksverd, so I'm excited to see snow now!"

"Well we can go outside right after I wear some warm, comfy clothes."

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now