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•Your POV•

"See you later Luna!" I shouted as she walk towards the guard tower.

Ever since yesterday's fiasco, i felt bad for Luna so we just had a sister bonding picnic. It was great!

"Hey (y/n)!" I look behind me to see Travis.

"Oh hey Travis. What's up?"

"Well Laurance ask me to tell you that he wants you to meet him at the old barn."


"Don't know, but he's planning something nice."

"Ok, thanks Travis."

"No problem, maybe a little kiss will be nice?"

I punch Travis in the gut. He fell down clutching his stomach.


"At least......i tried......"

I sighed and make my way to the old barn. Aphmau said that a friend of hers own this farm, but it has been in ruins for 15 years. I walk in the barn and saw Laurance standing in the middle of the barn. He was facing the other way.

I came up behind him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs on his waist.

"Hahaha hey (y/n)!"


He puts me down back to the ground with a goofy smile on his face. He is such a cutie.

"So what did you need me for?" I ask.

"Well i was been thinking about what Dexter say, and i think i want to make it official."

"W-what?!" Heat was rising up to my face.

"What i'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" Laurrance grabbed both of my hands as he said that.

"B-but we haven't had a date."

"We will be once you answered my question."

I look at the back of him to see a little picnic set up. I feel like i was about to cry.


Laurance never had been happier than this. He smiled brightly and lifted me up from the ground, twirling me around. He put me back down to kiss me which i did kiss back.

Laurance pulled away, staring at me. He puts his hand on my cheek and his tumb rubs it.

"I love you so much. Don't you forget that....."

"I love you too and i won't"

I gave him a peck on the lips. Laurance took my hand and we walk to the picnic. There was a white and (f/c) checkers blanket on the ground with a basket full of food. There was already some bread, butter and cheese laid on the blanket. But the thing is i've already had a picnic, but there are some room for dessert!

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now