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•Laurance's POV•

I shut my eyes. Waiting for that single shattering sound, but it didn't happen. I open my eyes to see the amulet floating on (f/c) particles. Everyone gasp at the sight. The others came in the room in wide shock to see an amulet floating.

The (f/c) particles then turn to a red fiery light, glowing on the amulet. It starts to having cracking noises as some cracks appear on the amulet. The amulet broke in pieces and a giant figure appear in red smoke. When the smoke clears away, a dragon was standing in front of all of us.

It has orange sharp spikes from it's head to it's tail. It's skin was a gradient color from fiery red to orange.

It's eyes were (e/c) just like (y/n)'s. Wait a second! That's....(y/n)?!

"W-what in the name of Irene?!" (Y/n)'s mom cried.

The drag--i mean (y/n) glared at her parents and the other (y/n). Her glare was full pf anger and disappointment.

The other (y/n) starts fading away since the real (y/n) is here.

"No! NO! MY PLANS ARE RUINED! NOOOooooo......" She faded away in sight.

"Time for you two." (Y/n) growled.

"N-n-now now s-sweetie, you know w-we love you." Spoke (y/n)'s dad.

"After all you've done to me, i wouldn't even think that you love me from the first day i was born."

And with that (y/n) blew some fire towards her parents and they burned into crisps.

(Y/n) turn back to us and turn back to herself. We all crowded her while giving her hugs, well actually not everyone. I stood out of the group.

Everyone pulled away from (y/n) and she faced towards me.


"I should have been there for you, i should ha--"

She pulled me towards her by pulling the collar on my shirt and gave me a kiss. I respond by kissing her back until she had to pull away.

"You've done nothing wrong. But i want to know, if you haven't find me in a very long time will you move on from me?"

"No. I love you so much. I could never loose you. I love you so much that i would not give up on you like that." He placed his hand on my cheek.

"I feel the same way......" I smiled.

*Time Skip when you are back*
•Your POV•

We all walked in the gates and saw some people running towards us. They gave each of us a hug and were reliefed that we're safe.

"We were so worried of you all. We thought you guys would be in the hands of (y/n)'s parents." Said Donna.

"Well they wouldn't be bothering us ever again." I said.

"Oh why is that?" Dante asks.

"Let just say that they had to handle the heat." Aphmau spoke.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now