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Before i start this chapter. The one who answered the question at the last chapter, who is Luna, is Oo_Aphmau_oO
Congrats! Now on to the chapter!

•Your POV•

"Laurance! What is it that you want to show me?!" If you don't know what's going on, well i have a blind fold on with Laurance dragging me somewhere. I'm wearing a dress from Luna

And i just don't know where we're going!

"You'll see! I told you it's a suprise!"

"But i don't like to be this way!" I pouted.

"Hey it'll be worth it when i take off that blind fold!"

"Hmph fine."

After a few more minutes of walking we finally stop. Laurance took off my blind fold and saw everyone gathered at the plaza. I gasp in suprise as they yell suprise. I look at a banner hanging above them saying 'Welcome Back!'

"W-what?" I breathed out.

"Ever since you came back, we decided to throw you a party to show you that we are family." Said Laurance.

"T-t-that's what i always wanted.......a family who cares for one another" *Tears up* Everyone walk towards me and we had a group hug.

Once we pulled away, we roam around the plaza. There were music playing and so much food to eat. I walk to the dessert table and grab some cake.

I took a bite. "Wow who made this cake?!" I ask to Luna.

"Who else. No one can make a delicious cake more than Kawaii-Chan."

"Oh my Irene, it's sooooo good!"

"Can i have a bite?" Laurance ask as he came up to me and wrap his arms around me from behind.

"B-but there's no more forks or spoons....." I blushed.

"Well use your spoon."

I blushed even more. I cut out a small piece of cake withh the spoon and fed it to Laurance. He took a bite and bring back the spoon.

*Squels* "YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE!!!" Luna squeled.

I blushed and gave her a death glare. She quickly ran away.

"Well i mean we are a cute couple." Said Laurance.

He lean in to give me a kiss on the cheek. I blush hardcore. Laurance just chuckled.

"You're adorable."

"S-shut up."

I turn back to him. Laurance smiled at me and i smiled back, but soon turned into a frown. "Laurance, have you ever been hated?"

"Why you ask such a silly question, but actually not really. No one actually hates me."


"Is it about your parents?"

I nodded and tears were prickled down my face.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now