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•Your POV•

Oh why if it isn't my 'friends' and my 'sister'

"(Y/n)?! What are you doing?!" Laurance yelled.

"Oh Laurance, what does it look like. I join the bad side." I smirk.

"B-but why?! You have a kind heart! What made you change?!"

"EVERYONE!" I yelled back. "Everywhere i go, the people want me gone! You don't know how it feels to be betrayed! By your family and friends! *Starts to tear up* I just had enough about this!"

I pushed my staff on the floor. A fire barrier surround me and Gene. Fire knights came rising up the ground. All my 'friends' fought them off, but some are too weak to handle my power.

"Hey great job on the knights and the barrier. I like it....." Said Gene.

"My powers are quite hard to handle, so in probably a couple of minutes the knights and the barrier disappeared, but i got something planned for them after that."

"So you're holding this?"

"Yes....,,it's harder how it looks."

•Laurance's POV•

I need to reach (y/n)! I need to talk her out of this. I need her back!

I helped the others on fighting off these fire knights until everything disappeared.

I look over at (y/n) and saw her sweating. Before i could take another step forward, (y/n)'s eyes and staff glow red. Fire surround all of us in a big circle. The circle starts to get closer to us. It's getting hotter.

"There's no way out!" Luna yelled.

"I'm taking the risk." I said.

"Wait no Laurance!" Garroth exclaim. But it was too late. I run through the fire leaving me in pain and burnt marks around me.

I was limping but quickly ran to (y/n), but fell.

•Your POV•

I chuckled to see Laurance like this.

"P-please (y/n)! You have to come back! We know you're better than this and we miss the old you!" He yelled.

"Hah! You think that'll make her come back?! Sorry pretty boy, but she is way stronger than those puny words your saying." Said Gene.

"But i know that the real (y/n) will never hurt her friends or family. She has a heart that i've never seen. She has the kindest heart full of joy and dignity!"

"Please (y/n)! I'm sorry on the way i treated you! I just didn't know what you were really dealing with! But when Laurance, Luna, Lucinda and Garroth explained everything to me, i can see your a very special girl!" Said Aphmau.

I look back at Laurance. "Please (y/n). We want you back. You are special to us as family and friends. A-a-and when i saw your face, you were the light that lighten up my heart. You've been kind and helpful to everyone and i love that about you and everything else. Because.......i-i-i-i love you (y/n)!"

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now