~•Long Old Friend•~

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•Your POV•

"What is he! Doing here?!" Luna yelled.

"Ummm......." I spoke.

"Well, i just want to see this place with Liochant. Than i'll be heading home with my Fiance." Lukas smirks.

"Oh well if that's the case. There's a barn, a few houses, two docks, a great wall with a gate, a guard staion plus a tower, the Irene statue, a settlement and a huge tree house. Well that's what we all have here. So GOODBYE!" Wow......i've never seen my sister like this.

"Are you deaf or something? I said i would like to SEE this place!"

"Grrrrrrrrr! I want you gone! All of this because of the PAST!" Luna starts to run back where our house was. I start to run after her, but Laurance held me back.

I sighed. "Well since you're here, not as mind to show you guys around." Zoey spoke.

We start the tour and it's just showing everything in Phoenix Drop. We walk back to the docks and said good bye to Lukas and his fiance.

Once their ship sailed away, we had a talk with Liochant.

"Pardon me for asking, but you're not one of the Tulas that attack Ru'uan, are you?" I ask.

"Well no, i would never hurt anyone except if they are a harm to my village or more specifically your village now." He explained.

"Well that's good to know, but do you know where Lord Ro'meave is?" Zoey asks.

"I'm afraid not. The region that went to Ru'uan is quite not close to my region. So we don't know what they have or done. But i apologies to what our island has done to yours."

"It is quite alright They don't do that much damage, just Okhasis." Laurance spoke.

"I understand." Said Liochant.

"Let us meet Lady Aphmau. She just had her baby born." Said Zoey.

"Oh no. I couldn't possibly see her in this condition." Said Liochant.

"No Liochant. Aphmau thinks that you would be the guard for the young ones. She'll explain why." I said.

We all went to Aphmau's house and room to see her laying on bed with Lilith. Aphmau looks quite happy but also supeise to see Liochant. We leave them both to talk, while me and Laurance head over to the gates.

I assist on helping Laurance with his guard duty. We look straight out of the gates to see anyone or anything comming this place.

*Rustles* "Laurance!" I whispered yell at him while pointing to the shaking bushes.

He took out his sword while i took out my (w/t). Laurance jumps off the wall and i followed behind him. We carefully take a step closer until a man popped out of it.

He looks injured, but also familiar. She look up to us.

"P-p-p-p-please.....help........" He managed to say. That's when it hit me like a brick, Dexter.

"Laurance lets carry him back inside the village." I said.

"But what if he's a harm to us?"

"We can trust him. He is my long old friend."

Laurance nodded and carry him. We walk our way to the treehouse and had alerted Zoey about Dexter. Laurance placed him in one of the beds. He got scratches in his arm, legs and parts of his face.

"I'm here." Zoey said as she climbed up the ladder.

"Great. We found this man injured right in front of the gates." Laurance explained.

"Ok. Don't worry guys i got this." Said Zoey as she takes out some stuff. "You guys can continue on what you were doing."

Laurance nodded but i stayed back. "(Y/n)?" Laurance spoke.

I faced towards him. "I just want to be there for Dexter. He is like my first ever friend." I explained.

"I.......understand." I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips before Laurance left.

I came to the bed side of Dexter. "How is he doing?"

"He's doing fine. He just got lots of scratches, but nothing serious." Zoey then finally wrapped up the last bandage on him. "How do you know him?"

I look up at her. "Well, Dexter and i were close friends back when we were little. He's like my first ever best friend. Of course his family and mine is close so i got to meet him often, but his village got attack so him and his family has to be there. More like forever, because they want to keep their village safe.....i never met him ever since."

"Well are you happy?"

"Of course i am. I miss him. From all of these years. Maybe my sister too, she is also friends with Dexter."

"That is wonderful to hear." Zoey smiled, but soon her face turned shock.

"Zoey? What's wrong?"

"I feel something. It's not good. Actually i've been feeling this ever since you and Laurance came with him. It just got stronger."

"Hm? I don't feel anything."

"Well it's something dark. It just doesn't feel right." Then Zoey looks down at Dexter. She looks closely at him. "I might think it's him......"

"What?! Dexter?! He never does anything wrong and he doesn't have powers! He's just an innocent human."

"That might what it looks like. But the aura around him. I can feel it."

"Maybe it's something else. Dexter wouldn't have done somethinf wrong."

"Well if i were you, i would be careful."

She then walks towards the ladder and climbs down. I looked back at Dexter.

He can't be evil. I know him for like a few years. He can't be bad. He's very sweet and kind. She just got him wrong.


Sorry i haven't been updating it's just that i was enjoying my holiday too much. Also it's almost Christmas. If you want to see more leave a vote or a comment and i'll see you next time.


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