~•The Truth•~

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•Your POV•

"It's you! You're the witch that gave me powers!" I said.

"So you reocnize me. Yes.....i'm  the witch that gave you powers."

"I have so much questions to ask you. Why do you give me powers? When will i master them? What are my powers? Why do you think i can handle these powers? How--"

"Shhhhhh.....i can only answer your questions one at a time. The reason i gave you powers is that i saw a vision. A group of people battling out in a dangerous battle. One of them would have strong powers to take down anything on it's path, but they need time to practice or it'll leave to certain doom. The vision than showed me a face and it was your face. Now your powers are fire. After the war of the Magi, all the divine warriors, magick users and elementals would fight by Irene's side. There are many who parished including Irene, i for one made it and some other magick users. I soon found an relic half burried in the soil. I realized it was Serina's relic who was the elemental of fire. Once i touched the relic the vision came to me and now you have Serina's relic. I went to your village to give you this relic. This is destiny."

My mouth is so close to the ground. I don't know what to say.

"F-f-fire?! I have f-f-fire magicks?!?! Wait. But why would Serina make me have her powers?"

"I may not know that, but i may know that Serina thinks that you are a special girl to her." Said Hyria.

"Ok, but who will train me. I don't know how to control these powers."

"Hmmm well what can you do with them? Luna told us that magical things happen when you were camping out in Pheonix Drop." Said Lucinda.

"Oh yeah i just rub my hand like this.....--"

"NOOOO!!!" Luna screamed. I stopped myself on rubbing my hands together.

"Oops right. When ever i rub my hands tigether it starts to spark and sets something on fire." I explained.

"Oh i understand. Fire magicks can be also very dangerous, so we must have you trained. I know a friend who can help. She may not have the fire powers, but she has ever experienced on having them. I bet she can help you to train." Said Hyria.

"Great. When will it start?"

"The day after tomorrow. I'll inform her later on. Now you kiddos should better go home before the others will get worried."

"Sure thing mom." Said Lucinda. We all left Hyria's place and went back to Phoenix Drop.

Luna said she wanted to hang with some of the girls while Laurance takes me back home. I think it's pretty sweet of him, and also how his blue eyes are so attract--wait. What am i saying?

"Ok we're here. Umm (y/n)? (Y/n)?! Wait watch where you're heading!"

I was thinking on my mind that i didn't realize i crashed into a lamp post. I start to get dizzy and was about to fall, but i felt arms around me.

I look to see Laurance.

"S-sorry....i just didn't know where i was going. Just thinking!" I was blushing! Blushing! What am i doing?!

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now