~•A New Home•~

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~•Your POV•~

Me and Luna decided to take a break. It was late in night. We found an open area in the forest and decided to make a camp here. We tied the horses to the tree so they won't wondered off. I gave them some carrots while Luna was setting up a campfire.

"Ugh! I can't light this fire up!" Luna said obviously frustrated.

"Well now what. We will be freezing cold."

I rub my hands together, but it starts to spark and there was fire in the campfire. Both me and Luna had our jaws dropped. Did that happen because of me? What is it me? How did i do that?

"How did you do that?!" Luna asks.

"I-i don't know......it must be my powers, but i didn't know how i did that. It just suddenly did it by itself!"

"Well than your powers are handy!"

I sat down next to Luna and kept staring at my hands. How did that happen?

"I-i don't understand.....i thought powers are suppose to be used when you control them. All i did was just rub my hands like this." I rub them again and the fire grow huge, but soon she
Shrinks down.

"Ok.....why not you don't do that until you get use to your powers."

"Ok, but what are my powers. I mean there are different kind of magicks elements, shadows, mystics, light there are so many but i never know about this one. The witch that gave me these powers don't even told us what this kind of magicks is."

"Soon we'll know what it is. But right now lets get some rest. Night." Said Luna as she take out her backpack and lay down on it. She still has her cloak on which she used for a blanket. I pulled my hoodie even further down to my face.

I sighed and look up into the starry night. I then look down to see the fire. Ugh! I'm getting to ahead of myself, i should better sleep.

I took my back pack and use it as a pillow. I lay there with my eyes close and drifting off to sleep.

*Time Skip*

"I swear i hear the sound of horses here!"

"Oh come on! Of course there would be horses! It's the forest for crying out loud Garroth!"

"Shh Travis! Would you guys keep quiet, we don't know if there's actual people here!"

This isn't good. I quietly got up and shake Luna awake. When she open her eyes and before she could say anything i covered her mouth. I put my finger on my mouth for her to keep quiet.

"Come on! I think there's something here!"

Luna looked at me with wide eyes. I uncovered her mouth and grabbed my (w/t) and so did Luna. We jumped on a tree branch and hide in the shadows. I make sure my face is covered with my cloak, but also make sure i still can see.

"Look see horses!" Said a sandy blonde hair man.

"Yeah. So?" Asked a snow white haired guy.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now