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~Time Skip~
•Your POV•

Oh today is the day! Lilith's birthday! I'm guessing she's turning two, which is amazing! I quickly grab my outfit.

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And change into it. I tidy myself up and grab my gift. I waited on the couch for Laurance until there was a knock.

Luna told me she went off earlier than i did so she could make some final touches on the plaza. I opened the door to see Laurance with a rose on one hand and a gift on the other.

"For you m'lady." He bows down and gave me the rose.

I blush, but took it anyways. Laurance came back up and we start to walk to the plaza. Everyone was there, except for Aph and Lilith, we were all having a great time. I ate some food, then Aph and Lilith walked in and we all yelled surprise.

Lilith giggled which made my heart melts in adorableness. We all dance, eat or chat. I walk towards Aph and Lilith.

"Here Lilith for you." I gave her the gift where she shred the wrapping paper into pieces. There inside was a doll I've made. She had golden blonde hair with black buttons eyes. She was wearing a pink dress with matching shoes.Lilith hugged the doll and said thank you to me.

I walk towards the dessert table. I lick my lips and i put my hands together.

"Wait. (Y/N) NOOO!!!"

I rub my hands together and it starts to spark. A booth than went on fire, everyone was screaming. The booth was collapsing until something we all watch was horrfiying. A fence than fell on Lilith!

We all gasp and Aphmau was crying while she lifted the fence off from Lilith. The guys put out the fire and Aphmau was crying as she held Lilith. I was standing frozen as everyone stared at me except for Aphmau.

"(Y/n)......what have you've done......" Luna spoke.


Wings sprout out from Aph's back. "A-a-a-aph.......i-i-i didn't meant to.......i-i-it was a acc--"


I can't say anything to her. I just felt pale and frozen. Everyone glared at me except Luna, Laurancr, Garroth and Lucinda. They were the only ones that knows that i have powers.

"Leave. LEAVE MY VILLAGE! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Aphmau turned away and starts to walk back to her house with Lilith in her arms. Everyone else comapnied her and gave me glares. I looked down to my hands and start to cry.

"(Y/n)......." I hear Laurance's voice.

He was about to put his hand on my shoulder, but i run. Run! Straight towards the forest! I'm a monster! A horrible monster!

I run far until my feets are worn out. I stop at a tree. I knelt down and cry. No one accepts me, no one at all.........

"Hello? Is anybody here?" My head went straight up and search where that voice is coming from. Then a man with very very very dark blue hair and cyan eyes came out to the opening.

"W-who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Gene. I heard some crying out here and i just want to check where it is and it was you. Are you ok?"

He knelt down in front of me.

"N-n-no, i'm not ok. I'm a monster. My powers got unhand and i set fire to a booth and i k-k-killed a little girl. A fence got on fire and fell on her. I-i-it was my fault!"

I start to cry again. I covered my face with my hands as Gene went by my side and comfort me.

"Why not we go to my cottage."

I nod in response. We walk to a cottage not that far and in there Gene gave me some blankets and gave me some fruits.

We talked about ourselves and of course i didn't say anything about me being a princess.

"Please, you must be hungry. Here try some of these apples. They're still fresh." Said Gene.

I nodded and took one. I took a bite and it was juicy.

"Tell me (y/n), do you know the story of snow white?" Gene asks with an evil smirk on.

"Yeah, it's my favorite. Why you ask?"

"Hehe, cause you're her right now but with a twist......"

My eyes widen as i look down to my apple. It turned black and i groan in pain. I feel pain in my chest.

I fell to the ground, clutching where my heart is. Gene was just laughing evilly as i suffer in pain.

•3rd person's View•

As (y/n) groan or even scream in pain. Something was changing in her. Her (e/c) eyes slowly turn red. Her dress soon transform into red armory and her hair comes itself to a high pony tail.

(Y/n) stops clutching her chest and stopped groaning in pain. She stood up and a red staff appears as she grabs it.

"Haha you've finally come into form." Said Gene.

"What should we do now?" (Y/n) ask with a deadly smile.

"How about we go to the place where they abandoned you just because you did a tiny mistake."

"I like that."

•Laurance's POV•

Me, Luna, Lucinda and Garroth gave up on finding (y/n), but i didn't want to give up. The others think it's for the best to let her go, but i want her back.

We then got plan B. Explain to Aphmau why this had happened so now we were running to Aphmau's house.

We ran in and saw her on one of the dinning table's chair with Lilith. She was healed.

"Aphmau, we need to explain what happened back there." I spoke.

"About (y/n) destroying my village and causing death to my daughter. It's very lucky for me that i can heal others."

"No, i mean yes what you saw back there is exactly how you picture it. But (y/n) didn't mean to. She has powers that she can't control." I explained.

"And why should i believe you guys. You're just standing up for (y/n)."

"Aph listen to us. (Y/n) has powers that no one else has. She can't control them because it's too much for her. Everyone does mistakes and it mostly is accidents. (Y/n) just didn't realize on what she was doing to cause the fire." Said Luna.

"You may think that (y/n) is a bad person, but she isn't. She has a kind heart and she always helps others. She just has an accident on causing the fire." Said Garroth.

"So please believe us." I spoke.

Aphmau had a guilty face on. Lilith tugs her shirt. Lilith was holding up the doll that (y/n) gave to her.

"People make mistakes mama......" Aphmau faced back to us.

"I-i-i believe you guys......."

We all smiled, and then there was an explosion sound. Aph told Lilith to stay at the house with Zoey while we all ran to where the sound was coming from. It was at the walls and we saw everyone gathered. There stand Gene and (y/n)?



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