~•Training and Trouble•~

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•Your POV•

Those kids should be here any minute. I have everything for this training. Weapons and fighting dummies.

Sometime later i saw Dmirtri and Nekoette coming this way. They look very excited.

"Hi (y/n)!" They said.

"Hello. You ready for training?"


"Hehe ok, sit down."

The kids look at me with confused looks.

"Wait. Aren't we going to do some training?" Dmitri asks.

"Oh yes, but in every training for the ones who are new, We always start with step 1. Relaxing."

"How is relaxing going to help us in training?" Nekoette ask.

"Well relaxing, makes you feel relax meaning your body is relaxed. With that your body can go with the flow and when i meant with go with the flow i mean your body can do this." I stood up and did a double back flip with a perfect landing.

"Cool!" The kids exclaimed.

"I want to do that!" Said Dmitri.

"Me too!" Said Nekoette.

"Than lets get started."

~Time Skip~

Me and the kids are out of breath. Luckily i brought lunch. We all ate some pasta that i made until Laurance came down to us.

"Hey guys!" He said.

"Hi Laurance!" Said The kids.

"Hey Laurance." I said.

"What are you guys doing?"

"(Y/n) is helping us on training!" Said Nekoette.

He sat down next to me and join us.

"Really? So far what did you guys learn?"

"We learn how to keep ourselves in a calm motion." Said Dmitri.

I smiled proudly at him, because i'm proud of him.

"Wow, impressive."

"It's all thanks to (y/n)." Said Nekoette.

Laurance faced me and smiled. I start to blush. Why am i blushig?! Oh irene, i'm emberassing myself.

"You guys are so sweet." I said.

The kids giggled. After lunch the kids go and play while me and Laurance talk with each other.

"So Lord Cadenza is your sister?"

"Yeah, she's very nosy when she's not in the lord Buisness."

We laugh.

"So.....i was just thinking. If you know......or maybe......want to.....maybe......want to come with me together to Lilith's birthday?" Laurance was red and he was sweating.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now