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•Your POV•

"And I'm sure (y/n), you will remember this room." Said aunt Teresa. She opened the door and it was my old bedroom.

I was with Laurance, while Garroth and Luna were in her room. I walked in and just take in everything. Oh how I remember the moments in this room. Everything is clean, it doesn't look abandoned or such things like that. It's just looks like exactly how I left it as, but neater.

"I will leave you two alone. But come to the throne room at around 20 minutes." Said Aunt Teresa as she left while closing the door.

I was now in the middle of my room just looking around. "I'm guessing this is your room? It's very nice." Said Laurance as he came to my side.

"I just.....it has been years since I've been here." I spotted my bed and I jumped on it. "I forgot how soft and cozy my bed is."

I giggled as I twist and turn to get comfortable. Laurance soon join me on the bed.

"Wow, living in royalty is so amazing."

"That's what they all say, but in every royal life there is always manners, responsibility, politeness, loyalty, gracefulness all those kind of stuff that is so messed up for me. For once, I want to act as me and not as a little fancy princess. And I got that chance."

"Well princess if you're happy than I am too."

"Is that my nickname now? Princess?"

"You are a princess after all. Now come on, your aunt wants us in the throne room." He got up first and pulled me up as well.

We got to the throne room and saw Garroth and Luna in there too. Everyone was in the middle of the room.

"Now since we're all here, I can start my little explanation." Said Aunt Teresa.

"What explanation?" I ask.

"Well since your mother and father were very protective towards you girls, they have banned all sorts of magics, wizardly, witchery stuff in this village. But 1 thing is that Hawksverd is all about it's magic, in time each royal family will be rewarded with their very own wands. Although ever since your parents banning magical matters out of this village, you girls were never able to get your wands. Until now."

"That's why all guards have wands now." Said Luna.

"Yes, ever since me being queen I disbanded magics. It is such a wonder to me. Now it is time for you girls to be rewarded with your wands."

Aunt Teresa took out her wand and point it towards the ground. Then the ground was glowing a circular pattern in the middle of the whole room, it was Hawksverd's symbol. Then it starts to rise. It was a podium and inside was at least about 5 wands. Aunt Teresa bring back her wand and we all stare at the wands right in front of us in awe.

"They're beautiful." I breathed out and Luna nodded. I was speechless. Those wands are so beautiful with it's details and colors.

"I knew you two will love them." Said Aunt Teresa.

"But how will we know which one are ours." Luna asks.

"The proper way on knowing is to have the wands choose you. It's never the other way around, it's like you need a bond with your wand." Aunt Teresa explained.

"And how do we do that?" I ask.

"Well here would be a ritual on doing this. You girls have to sit around the podium anywhere you want and I will do the rest. You boys can also join."

"Wait we can have wands too?" Laurance asks.

"Why of course. You have been with my little angels for years, so you are part of this family. No come on."

I sat down in front of a blue wand while Laurance was at my right. The lights went off and the only source of light were the wands that are glowing.

"Now I want you four to close your eyes and think about the things that make you happy." Aunt Teresa said softly.

We all closed our eyes. Nothing but silence. I thought of my family, my family such as my sister and any other (l/n) blood line. But also my friends who I accept as a family. Then the love of my life Laurance. All these people were the ones that makes me happy.

"Open your eyes now."

We all opened our eyes to a wand floating in front of us. It's such a beauty. My wand was pink in the bottom and then it turns to orange at the top. It was gradient and I love it. There were silver lines and details on the wand which is so cool.

"You can take your wands." Said aunt Teresa.

I took mine and it instantly glow. Well it's getting too much. The glowing starts to get brighter and as it dims down to look at myself. I was wearing a long white dress that reached the ground. There was a strip missing where you could see one of my legs. It was gradient from purple to white from the bottom. Than I had long sleeves and this dress is incredibly comfortable. My hair was in a high pony tail and it was curly.

"Wow, what just happen?" I look up and saw the others also transformed.

"This is your transformation that you'll have whenever you are in need of your wands." Aunt Teresa explained.

"One question. How can I run?" I ask. With this long dress I know I can trip over it.

"Simple." She point her wand at me and send a light which made my dress length shorter.

"Much better." I said.

"Well I think you all should have your rest. You need it for tomorrow." Says aunt Teresa.

"What's going to happen tomorrow?" Laurance asks.

"Your training of course. You can't just use your wands without knowing how to use it. Now go to your rooms."

We exit the ball room, me and Laurance went up to my room. Once we got in I placed my wand on my table and my outfit suddenly changed back.

"Well I love it how we got our own wands and I bet that tomorrow will be exciting." Says Laurance.

"Yeah I bet so too." I smiled at my wand.

So I want to first of apologize over the fact that I haven't updated in a month.
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This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now