~•3 Years•~

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Ok so from the character contest that I had posted a few days ago here are the winners. OneCreativeCat  and LauraDahNutella . Congrats you two. You're characters will be added in the next chapter, for now enjoy the chapter!

~Time Skip after 3 years~
•Your POV•

3 years has passed and things are quite the same. Today is the day where Aphmau, Garroth, Aleana and Lilith return from their trip. From these years Aph has been trying to find her past, but we got nothing. Also about two years ago Dexter went missing which kinda made me upset, he never came back or leave any signs that he was here.

As for me and Laurance, our relationship has gone perfect. Plus Luna and Garroth got together! AAAAAAHHHHH I SHIP IT SO MUCH!!!!!!

As for now me and Laurance are making our way to the docks to meet up with Aphmau, the kids and Garroth. It has been days since their journey.

"You think they found something?" I ask Laurance as my arm links into his.

"I think so. They had been going on too much journeys."

"I hope she remembers who she really was."

We finally made it to the docks to see the boat already docked. Kiki, Leona and lord Liochant was waiting.

"Morning you three." I spoke.

"Morning love birds! Kekekeke." Kiki exclaim.

"K-kiki!" I exclaim.

"Sorry, it's just the two of you are so cute!"

"Hah! I know right!" Laurance spoke.


"What? I'm being honest."

"Ugh! Anyways, have one of them came out yet?" I ask.

"Well--oh here comes Garroth." Said Leona.

"Hey guys....." He said.

"Garroth! How was the trip?" Laurance ask.

We walk nearer to the boat.

"Well it wasn't really successful. We didn't get any luck on finding about Aphmau's past."

"Oh no....well there's always a next time." Said Kiki. "Where's aphmau and the kids?"

"Still at the boat." Garroth replied.

"Oh alright. Leona please catch them." Leona nodded and went in the boat.

"So how are things at the village?" Garroth ask.

"Well we got some more Irene worshipers comming today. Not only that some of them wants to stay here." Said Liochant.

"Is that it?" Garroth ask.

"Not only that, but since you guys were in a long journey, my sister has been missing you." I said and that's when we heard screaming behind me.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now