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•Your POV•

Phoenix Drop? Am i back? Or is it just another stupid Nightmare.

I walk around until i found Laurance. A-a-and h-he's k-kissing Aphmau?!

"L-laurance?" I called out. He turn back to me with a smirk.

"Oh hey (y/n). What's up?"

"What's up?! You're cheating on me?!"

"Well the way you put it. Yeah. You've been gone for 1 year, so i gave up on you. Aphmau was always there for me, so we started dating, til we went up the next level~" He showed up his hand and i saw a wedding ring.

"Y-you never loved me......."

"Well i just love your looks."


"Sorry (y/n), but this is the present time. We are not going to have the past bother us now."

Laurance wrapped an arm around her and they went back to making out. *Cries* Go away. Make it stop! NOW!


I look where i was and saw i'm back at the room. I saw the other me leaning against the wall.

"I-i-is this real?" I ask.

"Nightmares aren't always dreams, it can speak the truth." She grins evilly.

"S-so h-he doesn't love m-me and s-so does e-everyone else?"

"What you've saw was the truth. I was trying to show you what was behind your little fairytale. Everything was the truth."

I fall on my knees and cried even more. I knew it was all a lie. Laurance never love me, no body does......it was too good to be true........

"Listen, why not make it all go away." I look up to myself and saw a staff floating in mid air. It looks like the one that i use when i got poisoned.

"It will all go away once you have your hands on this staff."

I stood up. Wiping away my tears. Do i really want to?

"I-i don't know......" I spoke.

"You saw what happened. They don't love or even care the slightest bit about you. You're Nothing to them."

I stared right at the staff. I walk closer to it. I have my hand out. I'm really doing this.......

•Laurance's POV•

"Hurry! We don't know how long they'll keep her in!" Luna shouted. We were riding our horses to Hawksverd.

We found out that they would be here. We arrived at a cave right next to the village. We got off, as in me, Luna, Aphmau and Garroth walked towards the cave.

"This is a cave." Aphmau spoke in confusion.

"Yeah, but there's a secret passage way that leads to the underground dungeon. Lets hope (y/n) is in there." Said Luna.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now