Character contest *Close*

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Hey guys! No this is not a chapter. I'm here to ask you guys for some help. I'm running out of ideas in this book and i at least need to have some new characters! I need only two! 1 character from each person that whoever comments down below.

Here are the things:

-Hair color:
-Eye color:
-Personality: (Ex: Kind, Evil, Loyal, Bossy, etc)
-What is he or she like: (Ex: Likes evey boy/girl he or she sees, shy, likes to impress people)
-About her/him:
-A total stranger/Someone in the story knows him/her:
-Human/Descendant/shadow Knight:
-Magics: (If the character doesn't have any Magics just do not fill in this)
- Bad guy/Good guy

Well that's all you guys need to fill in. Just comment it down below. Remember i'll be choosing 2 only, 1 character per person.

I'll add the character in this stor, give a shoutout to the winners in the next chapter and i'll follow those two lucky winners. See you next time.

Light up the sky my Lazers. (Yeah thats a new thing)


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