It's wrong.....but i'm sorry

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Hey guys....

I left this book here for months and haven't updated. It's wrong for me to do it, because I'm lack of ideas for this book plus I've been busy with my other books and my own life.

I'm sorry to do this, but I have to discontinue this book.

I even ask my friends for advice and they told me just to discontinue this book, but I have to apologize to all of you first.

I'm so sorry guys that I will be discontinuing this book. I would want to thank you all for your love and support on this book though.

It seems you guys like it, but I'm sorry that I would have to discontinue this.

Hate on me if you would like, I'm really sorry guys.


It has been a pleasure on writing this book, but it's painful to discontinue it in the middle of the story.

Sorry again and thank you...


This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now