~•In Control•~

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•Your POV•

"URGH!" I groan as I just got my back hit onto a rock!

"Focus (y/n), you must know how to fully control your powers." Said Aphmau.

"If it weren't for my relic to have a stupid crack! I would have controlled my powers very easily!" I said as I got up.

"Well now it wouldn't be easy. Especially since she's back!"

"I can't believe it! For three years she just.....just! GRRRUHH!" I swing a dagger into a tree. It was really deep.

"Whoah, whoah! What's going on?" Laurance ask as he and Garroth came to the open.

"We're training, but (y/n) has lost control." Aphmau explained.

"I'm sorry, I just......*Sighs* to know that she's back, I don't know if I could ever control myself. My anger keeps rising....." I felt Laurance wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I lookup to him with a reassuring smile.

"We understand that you may not know how to control yourself. So am I, I am a shadow knight and I could tell you that being one means your whole life in control of your feelings. Don't beat up yourself down and give up, we don't want that." Laurance pull my chin up with a finger and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I giggled. "Thanks, I appreciate on you guys caring."

"Now that's over, let's practice some more." Said Aphmau.

Aphmau and I were at opposite sides. She had her white glowing wings out and I was in my fire armor.
Aph's hands were glowing white while mine were on fire.

Garroth and Laurance are going to watch us and judge us. Garroth then exclaim "3.....2.....1 GO!"

Me and Aph ran into each other. I bring in a shield as Aphmau shot in a light beam. I had my change to shot Aph with a fire ball, but she dodge it.

Man I'm losing!

Not for along!


Before Aphmau ran up to me, time has stopped, everything went in slow motion. I screamed in pain as Lerain takes over me.

"So weak, can't even keep yourself strong. For all of these years I think the time is right for me to take over." She said as she fully took over me.

•Lerain's POV•

As Aphmau came over to me I teleport away, which I ended up behind her and I shot a fire beam at her. She fell down and look back at me. Well everyone looked at me. I smirked evilly and had my hands ready for an attack.

Aphmau flew towards me and shot a beam at me, but I also shot one at the same time. There was now our beams colliding together, but I pushed mine even more towards Aphmau and it hit her right towards a rock.

She screamed in pain, it's just music in my ears. Little Laurance and Garroth ran over to Aphmau. Well time to go.

•Your POV•

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now