~•Fire Relic•~

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•Your POV•

We run around the capital to see if there's anyone in danger. No one. Me and Laurance ended up at the market place until I see something heading towards us. An arrow.

"Laurance!" I pushed him away and had the arrow hit me in the chest. A scream of pain went out of me.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Laurance cried. He went by my side and held me close. I was numb, one movement I do will have a wave of pain going through my body. My vision gets blurry by the minute. I'm getting loss of blood, everything is getting dizzy............

•Laurance's POV•

She blacked out. She blacked out! Or even worse! DEAD! I quickly pull out the arrow and throw it somewhere. I carry (y/n) and run towards the portal. I had Lucinda and Travis taking care of the people. I run in the portal and ended up back at Phoenix Drop.

I run towards Aphmau's house and barged in. Aphmau saw me then looks down to see (y/n)'s body.

"Take her down to the basement." I ran downstairs and placed (y/n) in an empty bed.

Aphmau followed along.

"What are we going to do?!"

"Stay calm is one. Second, we need to fix---wait what is that?" Aphmau ask as she pointed towards an orange glow coming from (y/n)'s wound.

This might be gross, but I need to pull it out. I grab whatever it is and pull it out. It's a pendant? Could it be a relic? The fire relic? I look back at (y/n) and saw her wound all healed up. It's like nothing has happened to her. She's breathing normally.

"Maybe she's asleep. She should let her rest." Said Aphmau looking more confused and surprise as I do.

I nod in agreement. The relic I have in my hand was glowing orange. It's an orange gem stone which is a shape of fire. It has a ruby stone in the middle and have a silver outline on the relic. It's beautiful, but this is the source of (y/n)'s magic.

"Aph, what are we going to do with the relic."

"Hmm the source of (y/n)'s powers are in there, so if (y/n) has the relic with her she can be her usual self again."

"Ok but how?"

"Hmmm, oh give the relic."

I hand her the relic and Aphmau went to a kitchen drawer finding something. She took out a long small silver chain. She clips it onto the relic and holds it like a necklace. The relic isn't to big, but a perfect size for a necklace.

"(Y/n) can wear this wherever she goes. I hope her powers still works once she wears this." Aphmau than tossed the relic to me.

I nodded and walk downstairs. I walk towards the room that (y/n) is in and I saw her. She was awake, but her skin, her eyes, her hair, it doesn't have the bright color as they use to have.

"L-Laurance......what's happening to me?!" She ask as she came towards me.

"I-I don't know!" Then something popped on my mind. I took out the relic.

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now