~•Skating maham•~

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•Your POV•

We walk around the village and saw everyone we know skating around a skating rink. Wow it was beautiful.

"Hey let's say hi." I said.

We walk towards Aphmau and Lucinda who we're getting ready to skate.

"Hey guys. You came just in the right time. Lucinda made a ice rink for all of us to skate!" Said Aphmau.

"Wow that's cool! May we join?" Laurance asks. I'm starting to get nervous.

"Sure! Lucinda?" Aphmau spoke.

Lucinda made us have skates on. They were white and looks new.

"Come on let's go." Said Laurance. He took my hand, but I brought it back from him. "Babe? What's wrong?"

"U-umm I'll catch up. Just need to......check my skates."

Laurance shrug and glide through the ice. He's a natural. I saw Luna and Garroth skating together and the kids! They're all so good at skating while I'm just a beginner. I can't even balance myself in the ice.

Good thing there was a railing around the ice rink. I went on the ice and held on the railing. This is scary. I carefully walk on the ice while holding the railings.

Laurance then skates towards me with a confuse look.

"Hey babe, aren't you going to skate?"

"O-oh I'm just.....seeing.....if the ice is strong...." I stomp on the ice. "Oh I guess it's strong...."

"Ok....come on skate with me."

I push myself on the ice, but ended up falling. Luckily Laurance caught me. I cling onto him for balance. Laurance held me tight.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"What happen?"

"I-I......promise to not laugh?"


"I can't skate."

"You can't skate?!"

"Yes, I've just fooled myself. Go ahead and laugh."

"(Y/n), it's ok if you can't skate. This is your first time experiencing snow, so I could have known that you can't skate. I'm not going to laugh. I love you, it doesn't matter if you can't skate."

"You really love me?"

"Of course. Now I'll have a chance to teach you how to skate."

"Wait Laur--"

Before I could say a word Laurance took both of my hands and fragments with him. He was skating backwards and I was just being dragged on the ice. The thing is I'm balance.

"L-l-Laurance!" I exclaim.

"It's ok. I got you. Just one foot then another. It's like learning how to walk, but you glide. Give it a try."

This Feeling (Laurance x Reader) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now