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•Your POV•

"Why do we have to be outside?" I ask to Aunt Teresa.

"It is now a tradition for the royal family to be walking everyday around the village. It is for us to inspect the village being safe and peaceful." Aunt Teresa explained.

"But why does Laurance and Garroth have to join us?" Luna asks.

"Because they are part of this family now."

I smiled at Laurance who was holding my hand and he smiled back.

We walk to the market to see a lot of people clearing the path for us and bowed in respect. Some people stared at me and Luna in disbelief. While Aunt Teresa was looking over at the flowers, a little girl about 5 years old came over to me.

She held a little daisy in her hand held it up for me. I awwed and placed my hands at my heart. I crouched down and took it from her, placing it behind my ear.

"Thank you sweetie."

She smiled and I saw a woman came up to the girl and grab her hand while dragging her away from me.

"Livia! You shouldn't be going in front of the royal family. Especially princess (y/n), the one who burn her parents." Says the woman who I could here from a far. She wasn't speaking loud it was just that I can hear things from a far distance.

So this is what people see me as?! A monster?! They're right though....

"Babe what's wrong?" Laurance asks as I slowly got on my feet since I was crouching down.

"Nothing. *Sighs* I-I need to go..."

"Should I co--"

"No just....Leave me be. I need some alone time." I start to march off to the only place I know that keep my mind in peace.

I got to the deepest part of the enchanted forest and spotted the lake. It's still here. I saw birds flying around with little bunnies hoping on the soft grass with deers and fawn grazing it.

I sat down in front of the lake and look at my reflection to only see Lerain. Though it's still me but all I see is Lerain. (Anyone remember her?)

"I am a monster, that's what people see me as. How could I possibly be a princess if all my people are frightened of me." I spoke to myself, unless these animals could understand me.

I took off the daisy that was on me and stare at it. "Even if some still love me as me, they still know that I'm a beast inside." I let the daisy float on the water of the lake.

Then two birds dropped a some kind of flower crown on my head. I look up at them and brought up my hand for one of them to land on it.

"At least you little critters are by my side." I let the bird go and see myself at the water.

"All I see is me, but the bad me. All I see is the girl who have possibly could kill an entire village even her parents. All I see is a Monster....."

I look down to see a baby fawn on my lap sleeping in peace as I pet it gently.

I should probably go....I slowly got up and walk my way out of the forest. But I saw that the little fawn was following me.

"Huh? Why are you following me little fella? Where's your parents?" It just stared at me with it's ears down. "You're not the only one who doesn't have their parents. You can come with me."

We then start walking to the castle. Well when we reached the gates to the castle I picked her up to let he guards know she's with me. Or I think it's a she?

I got to my bedroom and saw Laurance looking over the window until I came in, he faced me.

"(Y/n) you're baaaaa.....what is that?!" He pointed towards the adorable baby fawn I'm carrying.

"It's my new pet. Or More I think is my pet. Her name is Fiera."

"Well she is adorable."

I put Fiera down and Laurance came to hug me. "I was worried something happened to you. (Y/n) please tell me what really happened."

"*Sighs* There's no point on hiding is there?"

I told him every single detailed on what happened back at the market and how I felt during that time and the lake where all the animals were acting nice to me.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this (y/n), it isn't easy. I know that cause I have ever felt the same."

"Laurance.....I think it was a mistake to come here. How could I not expect this to happen to me? I mean hello! The princess has turned to a viscous dragon who has burned their parents into crisps. How could I not know that the whole town could be frightened of me and want me gone."

"Hey, hey shhhhh. (Y/n) I know you feel horrible right now, but there is nothing we can do for now. Why not we just stay in bed and cuddle?"

"What about Fiera?"

"Well she already made herself comfortable with those pile of pillows over there."

I look over at the corner of the room to see Fiera sleeping on top of the soft looking pillows. Hmm, why do I have a pile of pillows? Uhhh that doesn't matter.

"Oh well. Maybe we c-can cuddle..."

"Aww is my little (y/n) stuttering?" Laurance cooed.

I growled. "Shut up."

He chuckled and brought me to the bed where all we have is silence, cuddling and just us.

~Time skip~

"From ancient times, here in Hawksverd have been In all sorts of magicks. We even created our own magics." Aunt Teresa explained as we follow her down the underground's of the castle. Aunt Teresa was holding up a torch that illuminates this tunnel. "But there was one place where your parents wouldn't want you to see."

We reached a lever and Aunt Teresa pulled it to have the stone walls open to another room. We walk in and Aunt Teresa spark up some light and it amazed all of us.

"The training room of the sisters."

It's been a while and I'm sorry.
I have so much things to handle and let's not forget my other two books and school.

I will be having slow updates in this book and I'm very sorry.

But this is what I can do to make up with you guys.

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