Writers Block Really Sucks

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"I hope Max and Fang got to the basement alright." Nudge said.

Gazzy nodded. "I hate not knowing."

Angel concentrated. "I can't hear their thoughts..." Gazzy and Nudge both fell silent and looked at Angel as she concentrated harder. "There's nothing." Angel said, rising panic in her voice. "I even tried talking to them." Angel lifted up a ceiling tile.

"What are you doing?" Nudge asked.

"I'm going to the basement. Something isn't right." Angel said, determination apparent on her face as she dropped to the bathroom floor below, light as a feather. Nudge and Gazzy exchanged nervous glances and followed Angel out into the hallway.

     *     *     *

You looked towards the door as the bell rang, hoping and praying that next class didn't need this room.

"I think we're good." Iggy said, sensing your tension.

"What do we do if someone comes in? There aren't even any windows!"

"(Y/n)," Iggy said, putting his hand on your arm. "It's ok. Nobody has tried to come in yet so I don't think they will."

You took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of Iggy's hand on your arm, and nodded, looking away from the door.

You became aware that Iggy had not taken his hand off your arm. You looked up at him and saw him smiling slightly. You started to notice his features better, even in the dark room. The way his white-blonde hair hung low over his eyebrows. His murky pale blue eyes, seeming to look at you in wonder. 'Um..he's blind. How is he staring directly at me?' You thought.

The silence hung in the air. Iggy noticed and apologized, not removing his hand. "Sorry, it's just that.. I can see you."

'Say what now?' "You can... see me?" you asked, confused.

"Well, not..'see', in the technical term. When I touch you, I can sense what you look like. I can sense the color of your hair, your skin, your eyes, and...you're stunning." Iggy blushed, but none harder than yourself. Your face turned scarlet, which, of course, Iggy could sense. He removed his hand from your arm but the wonder in his eyes never left.

His beautiful, unseeing eyes. Sadness washed over you. You heard the stories of Iggy's failed eyesight experiment. How he had the most shocking electric blue eyes before those monsters experimented on them, attempting to 'enhance his eyesight', instead, leaving him blind. He would never be able to see a sunset. Or the magnificent enormity of the beautiful oceans. Anger and determination overcame your sadness. You were going to wipe out those white-coats.

You started noticing the small things about Iggy over these past few weeks. How, when he flies, he usually stays in the back. How his feathers glint in the sun, sometimes almost blinding (when he was clean). When he laughed, his head tilted back ever so slightly.

You were transported back into the present when Iggy said your name. "Hm?" You responded.

"You alright?" He asked, "You were being very quiet."

"Oh, sorry. I'm fine." You said, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around your legs.

Iggy inhaled noisily through partially closed lips, trying to disperse the awkwardness between the two of you. "Do you think Max and Fang got in alright?"

You shrugged. "I'm sure they did. I mean, they're the toughest members of the flock."

"Oh gee thanks." Iggy said, teasing.

"Oh stop it! You know that none of us could win a fight against Max or Fang!" You responded, hitting his arm lightly. He grinned and caught your hand, holding on to your wrist and examining your face, which grew hot.

Iggy scooted closer to you and your knee's touched. 'Crap' You thought to yourself. 'What do I do?' You have never been in a situation like this before. In fact, you've never been alone with a boy before. 'Crap!' You thought again as Iggy leaned towards you slightly.

Your brain went blank and you stared at Iggy. He leaned in closer and you could now feel his breath-- 'Guys, Basement, now. Something is wrong. Max and Fang aren't answering me!'

(A/n): Hey guys I am SO sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I've had a terrible case of writers block and a REALLY bad migraine for the past three days (and still going). I'll try to be better! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little chapter! ...see ya :)!

And so sorry, again!!

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