Part 1: Problem

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~Song Young's POV~

As I entered the hospital, there were patients crowded everywhere. Either family sitting on the waiting chairs, or patients wandering around the halls. I tried to find my way through the crowd with tears threatening to blur my vision. After falling and stumbling multiple times, I felt a hand grab my arm. It was Yong Suk oppa.

"Oppa..." I managed to whisper.

"Gwenchana?" He asked concerned kneeling on one knee to see the deep scrape I had on my arm.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I said pulling my hand away from his.

"But where's eomma and appa?" I asked staring into his eyes with tears streaming down my face.

His head turned to the right, then mine followed in sync.

The operating room.

"No.." I whispered in a weak tone, my legs then became weak.

"Song Young-ah, calm down, here take a seat" He said gently pushing me down to sit.

After about 20 long minutes, a doctor came out from the operating room and we both immediately ran towards him.

The look he had on his face nearly said it all. "We tried our best to save them both but..." The doctor said looking down.

Tears started forming in my eyes and in a matter of seconds they were already rolling down my cheeks. My heart started to ache.

"NO! NO!" Oppa started shouting aggressively.

"EOMMA!! APPA!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I couldn't contain myself anymore.

I had the urge to run into the operating room but oppa pulled me back knowing what I wanted to do. He turned me around and embraced me in his arms as I cried with my head digging into his shirt.

"Why?" I asked through my sobs.

"Why now? Why did you leave me? Why did you leave us?" I asked still in oppa's arms.

"Eomma, Appa... please come back" I cried as I felt oppa's hand brushing through my hair.

"It's okay, you have me" Oppa said while his tears fell onto my forehead.


I opened my eyes slowly to see the familiar ceiling of my house. I sat up, then realized that it was a dream. Yong Suk oppa suddenly came rushing in my room and placed himself next to me.

"Gwenchana?" He asked with worried eyes.

"Yeah" I replied breathing heavily.

"You're not burning up, another dream?" He asked putting his palm on my forehead to check my temperature and I nodded.

"Oppa..." I blurted out.


"What time is it?" I asked.

"7 in the morning" He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked and he pointed at the side of this mouth. I was confused at first but then I released...I drooled while sleeping.

"Oh whatever, it's not like you don't drool as well" I rolled my eyes and got off the bed.

"Haha, why you gotta be so rudeee~" He sang childishly.

I ignored him and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower before school. Ugh, school... The thought of it makes me sick.

While putting on my uniform, I remembered Mrs Park said we were going to start another project. Except this time, with a partner.

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