Part 3: Broken

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~Song Young's POV~

Oh ffs let me have a rest. Jeon Jungkook, Oh Mina and Do Kyung Soo? Once Jungkook starts talking to me, Mina's going to kill me!

"Hey Song Young!" Mina said in excitement skipping towards me, I bet she's acting like that to get Jungkook's attention. She placed herself in front of me and gave me a deathly glare. Kyung Soo started walking towards us and sat himself next to me not saying a word.

"Hey guys" Jungkook said taking a seat next to Mina. She was acting all cute, playing with her hair, playing with her skirt, stuff like that. It just made me want to puke seeing her existence. Like stop trying so hard.




"Song Young, can you please pass me the beaker?" Jungkook asked but before I even stood up...

"I'll get it for you oppa!" Oh Mina stood up and walked to where the beakers were. I looked over and saw Jungkook looking at her in disgust. I took my seat and placed my chin onto my hands staring at Jungkook.

"Can you get me an eye dropper Song Young?" I felt a hand touch my shoulder making me jump back. It was Kyung Soo who snapped me out of my day dream.

"Y...yeah?" I asked looking dumbfounded.

"Are you okay?" He said putting his palm on my forehead to check my temperature. He reminded me of oppa.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I said staring at the beaker, still surprised at the sudden affection.

"Can you get me an eye dropper Song Young?" He repeated.

"S...sure" I replied standing up. This time, my legs felt weak under my knees, but I managed to keep my balance.

I returned back with an eye dropper and handed it to Kyung Soo.

"Thanks" He said reaching out for the eye dropped and I placed it in his hand. But instead, he took my hand, holding it in his. I quickly released my hand from his grip and he just smiled. What was that all about? Confused, I took my seat and sat there, bored.

I looked over to the people sitting in front of me and was disgusted by the sight before me. Mina was all over Jungkook asking him questions, but he just nodded or shook his head every time. Mina seemed to notice.

"Oppa! Answer my question!" Mina shouted in frustration and the whole class turned to her direction from her sudden outburst.

"Are you going to help us or are you going to keep asking me questions?" Jungkook replied annoyed and Mina just stood there staring at him surprised.

"Oppa, why are you so mean to me?" Mina asked, pretending to wipe her fake tears, but Jungkook said nothing and focused on the prac. Ugh this girl, such an attention seeker.

I looked up at Jungkook and noticed that he was also looking at me. We made eye contact for a good 5 seconds and I looked away to avoid him as I felt my heart beating fast. Argh, why is my heart doing this to me...oh please not now. I looked back at Jungkook and he was smiling sheepishly.

~Jungkook's POV~

I swear this Mina girl is pissing me off, she keeps asking me questions which doesn't even relate to science. I looked over at Song Young but she looked bored. As I was about to ask her something-

"Can you get me an eye dropper Song Young?" Kyung Soo asked interrupting me. He had to, he just had to... When he placed his hand on her shoulder, I swear I wanted to punch him right at that moment. Why am I feeling this anyways, I'm not...jealous right? Omona, Jungkook bwoyaaa

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