Part 25: It's All My Fault

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~Jimin's POV~

"Your girlfriend Kang So Hyun is quite a dangerous woman" Ji Tae warned.

"What do you mean?" I asked furiously grabbing his collar.

"You'll find out soon" He smirked before leaving the restaurant, leaving my grip.

"Song Young, are you okay?" Jungkook asked running to Song Young, giving her a tight hug.

"I'm fine" She replied digging into his chest.

What does he mean? So Hyun is not a dangerous woman...she's sweet, funny, bubbly, pretty and smart. But thing is, how does he know So Hyun?

"So that's Ji Tae?" Rapmon asked and I nodded, standing there confused.

"Let's continue eating" Cindy said taking her seat holding onto Song Young's arm in case she loses her balance.

"I'll go pay the bill" Suga announced standing up from his seat and the whole group nodded all at once.




We arrived back at Song Young's house at 5PM. Jungkook was talking to Song Young in her room, trying to comfort her as the others were in the living room chilling.

Me, on the other hand was still confused as to what Ji Tae said. How does he know So Hyun and what does she have to do with this?

I took my phone out and texted So Hyun as I wanted answers, quick.

Me: So Hyun-a, where r you?

So Hyun: I'm at home, why?

Me: I need to ask you something, i'll meet u at ur house

So Hyun: Umm...sure. I'll meet u at my house in 1 hr

Me: Okay

~So Hyun's POV~

"Jimin texted me" I said looking at the message I just received.

"What'd he say?" Ji Tae asked snatching my phone out of my hand.

"He asked me where I am" I explained, comfortably sitting back on my chair.

"Text him and say you're at home" He said handing over my phone.

"He wants to meet me at my house" I said as soon as Jimin sent the message through.

"Meet him at your house in an hour" Ji Tae demanded and I nodded indicating that I understood his orders.

"Here's your pay, keep up the good work" He added passing over an envelope of money.

"Thanks" I thanked him putting the money into my handbag.

"That Song Young girl isn't going to live for long, just hang in there for a few more weeks" He smirked taking a sip of his iced coffee.

"Alright then, I better get going" I greeting standing up from my seat.




Knock knock. I walked to the door and looked through the spyhole to see who it was, luckily it was only Jimin.

"Oh, Jimin, you're early" I said looking at the clock.

"Haha yeah, sorry" He chuckled scratching the back of his neck.

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