Part 6: Promise

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~Jungkook's POV~

"Both of you detention after school, now go take your seats" He demanded and we rushed to our seats, nervously.

I took my seat and looked over at Song Young to see her looking at me. I sat there pouting and she mouthed 'sorry'. I returned with a smile and focused on the board but my eyes seemed to always focus on her.

~Time skip to end of day~

Last period has ended so I packed my bags and got ready for 'hell'. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Song Young packing her bags looking all worried about something. I finished and walked over to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"My brother's going to kill me! This is my first detention, aish what have I done?" She snapped, as she yelled at me.

"It's okay, time will go quick" I comforted her, trying to brighten her up.

"I hope so" She said being calmer than before.

"Let's go" I insisted, she nodded and followed behind me.

We reached Mr Kang's classroom and I knocked on his door.

"Come in!" A voice behind the door yelled out. I twisted the handle and we stepped in to see Mr Kang sitting on his chair ever so comfortably.

"Ahh, Mr Jeon and Ms Jang, how nice of you to join me this afternoon. Please take your seats, detention will begin soon." He stated while sorting through some papers.

Song Young sat at the very back and I followed sitting a table next to her. She took out her books and started studying and I did the same. I constantly looked over at Song Young to see her checking her watch every 10 seconds as I felt too tired to do any work.

I was focusing on her, not noticing that I ended up staring until she turned around and caught me. Her eyes wondered everywhere trying to avoid eye contact with me, why? Is she shy?

I turned around and stared at the board being embarrassed of my actions. Jeon Jungkook, what the hell?

~Song Young's POV~

I stared down at my paper as I tried avoiding eye contact with Jungkook. Why was he staring at me? He doesn't, no he couldn't...nah he doesn't. Right? I mean look at me, I'm ugly as, who would even...haha nah he doesn't. Why was he staring at me anyways? Do I have something on my face, aish... I should have not eaten that spaghetti for lunch.

"I'm going to head outside for a minute, I expect you guys to be quiet while I'm gone" Mr Kang spoke all of a sudden. We nodded and the room had an awkward vibe after he left to go outside.

I felt my eyes getting heavy, as I was too tired to even study for our upcoming test. I placed my arms across the table and laid my head down on them. I closed my eyes hoping time would go faster but as soon as I heard footsteps ascending towards the door, I quickly shot my eyes open to see Jungkook looking over at me with his bunny smile. I gave him the 'what the hell' look and sat up straight expecting Mr Kang to walk through the door.

As soon as I heard the door knob twist, I took my pencil and pretended to do my work.

"Jungkook" A familiar voice called out.

"Hyung!" Jungkook replied back. Hyung? Wait what? I looked up to see 6 tall boys standing at the door and a familiar face caught my attention.

"Jimin?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. "What are you-"

I was cut off.

"Song Young! What are you doing here?" He asked, interrupting my sentence as he stepped forward to get a better view.

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