Part 7: I do

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~Song Young's POV~

Walking home, there were tons of questions flooding my brain. Why did Jimin finally turn up all of a sudden? Why now? Why him? He broke my heart too many times and I'm not letting him break it again. The promise we made during primary school. He promised he would tell me the next time we meet, but the last time we met which was the 'next time', he didn't tell me. I waited for him for so long until one day I gave up on waiting. There was no point. I was so deep in thought, I didn't realise I was on the road until I heard beeping noises of a car coming from the right. I immediately spun around only to see it approaching me with fast speed. I closed my eyes shut hoping it would stop in time out of nowhere an arm hugged my waist and pulled me down onto the side walk. I felt myself land on someone. I opened my eyes slowly to see who it was and my eyes widened as me and Jimin's face were inches away from one another. Our position was very awkward and I stood up quickly and brushed the dirt off my skirt. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"A-are you okay?" I asked embarrassed.

"Yeah, you should be more careful next time" He replied ruffling my hair.

After that incident, we continued walking in silence when a voice from behind called out.

"Song Young! Wait up" It was Jungkook.

"You dropped this" He handed me my student ID card and disappeared without saying bye. One minute he's happy and the other he's suddenly all angry and pissed.

"What's with him?" I asked Jimin but he just shrugged.

~Jungkook's POV~

I was walking home with the rest of the boys until I accidentally stepped onto something hard. It was a card, a student's card...I picked it up and flipped it to the other side to see who it belonged to.

-Name: Jang Song Young
-School: XXX High
-Address: XXX

-D.O.B: 25/11/1997

Her birthday is in a few days...

"Hyung, I need to go somewhere I'll meet you back home okay?" I said stopping the guys in front to stop walking.

"Okay then" Rap Monster said.

We parted ways and I ran as fast as I could to reach up to Song Young and Jimin. I got to a corner and turned right to see a car was approaching Song Young at full speed. Oh shit.

I was about to run to her but Jimin reached out his hand to pull Song Young in, they fell to the ground with Song Young on top of Jimin. I furrowed my eyebrows and was angry at the sight of the two people. I felt...jealous. I stood there clenching my fist watching the two stand up and when Jimin ruffled her hair, I felt more anger building up. I stomped my feet towards the two and called Song Young's name out, she turned around and gave me a smile but I had no energy to return it back.

"You dropped this" I said handing her student ID card over and ran the opposite way back to the house. I could feel my eyes tearing up because of the sight, it happened all too fast. I'm not perhaps...In love?

~Song Young's POV~

We reached my house and I took out my key from my pocket and unlocked it. I opened the door and saw my brother sitting there watching a kdrama on the tv, it was 'The Legend of the Blue Sea' (Guys, go watch Lee Minho's new drama! It's so good and cute!).

"I'm home!" I shouted out to get his attention.

"Oh, Song Young you scared me it was the best part and you-" Yong Suk's face changed from annoying to surprised.

"J-Jimin?" He managed to let out.

"You still remember me?" Jimin questioned giving him a smile.

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