Part 24: Dangerous Woman

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~Jungkook's POV~

"WHAT?!" I yelled, surprised.

"What?" She asked, calmed as ever.

"Y-you're dating J-Jimin?" I asked.

"Again?" I added and she slowly nodded.

"Hasn't he told you yet?" She asked and I shook my head 'no'.

"That's weird, he said he'll tell you guys soon" She said looking confused.

"So Hyun-ah, sorry I took so long, I-" Jimin stopped as soon as he saw me.

"J-Jungkook? What are you doing here?" He asked dragging me out of the coffee shop.

"Since when did you started dating her again?" I whisper yelled.

"We met again last week. Don't tell anyone okay?" He asked taking his pinky out.

"Don't tell anyone what?" Rapmon asked coming towards us with the rest of the group behind him.

"H-hyung" I stuttered looking up at him.

"Oh! Rapmon! You guys are all here as well?" She asked popping out of nowhere.

"And what is she doing here?" Suga asked pointing at her.

"Oh, Jimin asked me on a-" Before she could spill the beans, Jimin was quick enough to cup her mouth with his hand.

"So Hyun, let's go" Jimin whispered in her ear, loud enough for everyone to hear. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of the coffee shop.

"Yah! Jimin!" Jhope shouted, trying to stop him from going anywhere.

"Hyung! Did you buy anything?" I asked, trying to keep their minds off the other two.

"Yah! Do you know about this?" Jin asked totally ignoring my question.

"No? Why would I?" I lied facing the other way.

"Liar" V chuckled.

"They're back together aren't they?" Rapmon asked eyeing the two as they made their way upstairs and I slightly nodded. Sorry Jimin for exposing you...

"When did you say we have to be back downstairs?" Jhope asked trying to find a clock around the area

"Oh crap, I said 1 hour and it's already been 1 hour and 15 minutes" I freaked glancing down at my watch. The group quickly made our way to the escalator receiving looks from other people

"Aish we forgot to cover ourselves again" I sighed while running down the escalator.

"Forget it, Cindy and Song Young's waiting for us down there" Jin said as he tried catching up to us.

"Noona!" V yelled out trying to get Cindy's attention.

"Oh, what took you guys so long" She complained.

"Where's Song Young?" I asked panting from all the running.

"She's in the fitting room trying on a dress I chose for her" She smiled looking towards the fitting room.

"Unnie! It's-" She squealed running out of the dressing room wearing her dress but as soon as she saw us, she looked the other way, avoiding eye contact.

"Wahh, Song Young-ah you look so good in that dress" Jhope complimented, childishly running to her.

"Wah, you look like Cinderella meeting her Prince Charming" Cindy complimented wriggling her eyebrows.

"Unnie! Stop joking! It's embarrassing" She blushed looking down.

"Turn around so I can see" Cindy demanded and Song Young slowly turned around, revealing her beautiful dress. I stood there, speechless and flustered as to how good she looked in that sparkly silver dress.

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